Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chapter 30

Thank you guys so much for your support you're cheering me up wallah jad thanks<3

And thanks to the anonymous in ask ely s2alat/sa2al wayed as2la i posted this chapter 3shana/3shanha ;p!

This story will end soon x

Enjoy chapter 30 w la tnsoun, feedbacks!!!!

I went back to the shalaih after eating the delicious pizza, crunchy fries, and an iceburg pepsi:D

I sat with my family...

Rawan: "Mama byi a7ad elyoum?"
Mom: "Madre wallah yuma fe a7ad byi elyoum?" she asked her mom
Grandmother: "Eeh um faisal btye"

'Um Faisal' is my grandmother's friend, she is so sweet, i know one of her grandchildren, Rayan. I've known her at shalaihat elkhairan.
Rayan is my age, she's thing, tall-brownish hair, brown eyes, white-skinned, fa9la, and she's so pretty mshallah.

Rawan: "Rayan btye 9a7?"
Grandmother: "Madre wallah"
Rawan: "Dgay 3laiha khal tyebha!"
Grandmother: "Enshallah"
Rawan: "Enzain entaw shnu laish yayen?"
Aunt: "Laish?" she asked in a sarcastic way
Rawan: "Shnu laish kila ga3den bl'3urfa goumay 6l3aw tmshaw"
Grandmother: "Ana magdar amshi wayed yuma rkabi y3awrouni"
Rawan: "Okay enty g3day bas khalty laish ma t6l3een"
Aunt: "Ana t3bana maly khilg"
Rawan: "Eeh 3yazty kila malich khilg" i teased her
Aunt: "Chubay ana tawni 9'3eera" she chuckled
Rawan: "Hahaha khair enshallah"
Foz: "Rawon 3boud tyoun ntmsha shway?"

Rawon and 3boud?

Oh is it time for your dearly beloved to give you your precious 9ou'3a?-.-;D

Rawan&3boud: "Yallah"

We went out all the from our room to the entrance of movenpick...

Rawan: "Waina?"
3boud: "Enty tadren?" he asked me
Rawan: "Adre 3an shnu?" i acted stupid
3boud: "3anha"
Rawan: "La madre" i lied
3boud: "Chathaba"
Rawan: "La adre mn zeman"
3boud: "7ta ana"

I kept quiet. Madre sharid 3laih el9ara7a=))

3boud: "3endi ya whatsapp akalma"


Is there any more shocking news i don't know about?

Rawan: "E7lif"
3boud: "Wallah"

Foz's phone rang; it interrupted my from talking...

Foz: "Aloo?"
Foz: "Enta wainek?"
Foz: "Enzain edkhal shway"

I was making hand signs like 'NOOOO LA YDKHAAAAL'

Foz: "Shwaya bas bader amana!"
Foz: "Khla9 okay 3boud eyelik yakhth'hum mnik" she said in a sad voice
Foz: "Bbye"

And she hung up...

3boud: "Waina?"
Foz: "Kahu 3end eleshara"
Rawan: "Ra7 ydkhal?"
Foz: "Laa!" she said in a madre shloun voice ya3ni che chnha z3lana:D
Rawan: "A7san"
Foz: "Ygoul 3enda 3ers msta3yel"
Rawan: "A7san"

And foz's phone rang again...

Foz: "Aloo?"
Foz: "Yallah okay"

She hung up...

Foz: "3boud rou7 enzla t7at mni"

And there passed a black silverado, and a shway muscular, so tanned skin guy came out of  it and met with 3boud...

Bader was? Saaaaa77777ttttttt=)) Sorry Foz i'm just saying the truth=)) please la t6geni asfa akher mara:(:D

3boud came back with a plastic bag and handed it to foz, she then stood and opened it
There was a beautiful sparkling necklace, a bracelet, and a perfume.
He didn't forget 3boud though.. He brought for him a black swara matkoub 3laiha 'Fire Man', yeah 3boud adores something call ma6afi, he wants to be one he grows up enshallah.

Foz hid the plastic bag in her bag and we headed back to the shalaih...

It was getting darker, 6pm...

I stole my aunt's samsung galaxy and went to the bathroom to hid and use it, i entered kik and i had 1 new message.
It was sul6an, the boy i told u ena i talked to him when my mom gave me my phone back, but i felt guilt so i let him go? Yeah, well he can't let go:)

Sul6anAlX: Rawan
RawanAlX: Hala

i waited some minutes and he answered, he's a fast reader:D

Sul6anAlX: Shlounich?
RawanAlX: Tmam
Sul6anAlX: Wainch yuba ma ts2len wla shay
RawanAlX: Sorry
Sul6anAlX: La 3ade ;*
RawanAlX: ;*
Sul6anAlX: Rawan 3ade adg 3laich?
RawanAlX: Talfoni mu 3endi
Sul6anAlX: Waina?
RawanAlX: Thay3

I lied. I didn't want to him to know it's taken cuz i don't feel like telling him the reason why it is taken..

Sul6anAlX: Mara7 tshtren talfon?
RawanAlX: Madre wallah
Sul6anAlX: Enzain wainch?
RawanAlX: Shalaih
Sul6anAlX: Ay shalaih??
RawanAlX: Movenpick elbd3
Sul6anAlX: 3ade ayee??
RawanAlX: Tye shtsawi?

Okay Rawan. Laish chethi ga3da tkalmeen elrayal?=))

Sul6anAlX: Bshoufich
RawanAlX: Kaifek t3al bas mn al7en agoulik ensa ag3ad m3ak
Sul6anAlX: Laish:(
RawanAlX: Wain ga3den e7na? Sorry mu nethami chethi
Sul6anAlX: Ok ok khla9 kalaiteny rawan shfech
RawanAlX: Mafeni
Sul6anAlX: Enzain ashoufich mn b3eed?
RawanAlX: Eh
Sul6anAlX: Yallah ka abadel wayee
RawanAlX: Lma tye enzel elsrdab eg3ad yam el msba7 ely yam elshalaihat
Sul6anAlX: Mn 3youni
RawanAlX: K
Sul6anAlX: Shd3wa maku fdait 3younik shay?
RawanAlX: La
Sul6anAlX: Mmm ok yallah msafat el6reej
RawanAlX: K

Ya3ni jad a7md rabi ena kan mt9aber m3ay lou wa7d thani chan 36ani block delete 3la 6areqat kalami m3ah=))

I stayed all the night outside next to the pool playing with my camera  waiting for Mr. Sul6an:)

Then came 2 CUTE guys and sat on the tanning chairs next to the pool!

Could one of them be sul6an?

I've never seen him so could that be him?

Mn shakelhum mbayen enhum myaneen

They started singing, but one of them sang something that caught my attention; he was staring at me...

Guy who i think is sul6an=)): "Shlounik 7beebi shlounik 6ameni 3an akhbarik mshtag ashouf 3younik mta trid enta ldarik?"

It was the song i told sul6an to hear me singing!! Could that sexy guy be sul6an?;o

Guy who i don't think is sul6an=)): "Ga6e3 ya gumar ga6e3 elkil 3anik ys2alni madre f'3aibtik thay3 wela wdik tta3ebni"


Now how i can i know which one is sul6an when both of then know the song?-.-!! Ugh.

I went inside and stole mu aunt's phone again without anyone noticing and went to the bathroom:D
I entered kik and asked sul6an which one are u?

Sul6anAlX: Ely labs short a7mar
RawanAlX: Mmmm;p

Sul6an in red? Irresistable!!!!!<3

Sul6anAlX: Laish dakhalty 6el3ayy ma shba3t mnich!!
RawanAlX: Lool ok;p

I signed out kik, placed the phone where it was, and went outside...
The moment i sat on the tanning chair and sul6an saw me he screamed "Hala obooouy"

i couldn't hold my laugh, i laughed hard, and he screamed again "Enshallah doum hal tha7kaa"

I stopped and stared at him like khla9 sul6an. Stop screaming now. It's enough. And he did:D

So i spend the rest of the night watching sul6an's craziness:D
He was so funny, and cute. But so funny wallah! And CUTE =))!!


Friday, October 18, 2013

What happened?

Hey guys this isn't a chapter from the story, i just felt i need to tell someone what i feel inside and i want to share it here...

I hope you enjoy it x

Remember those times when we used to talk 24/7?
When we used to stay up all night talking to each other on the phone?
When we can't stay mad at each other for one day?
When i told you that if a minute passed without you something bad will happen to me?
Well, this was just the past...

What happened?
What happened to our love?
What happened to you and me?
What happened to those times we spent together?
Can they just go to waste?

You were and will always be in some corner in my heart, i know you will not leave, my heart won't let you. It wants you..

Here i am writing this to tell all the people what i really feel, to tell them about the things you've done & i'm grateful about everything you did. So thankyou. Thankyou for having me live the best days in my life, i'll always be thankful.

You were my addiction...
You were my drug...
You were my one & only...
You were my EVERYTHING...

Tears till now find their way down my cheeks for you.
I cry not from pain but from a broken heart.

I miss you.
I miss your love.
I miss your laughs.
I miss your voice.
I miss your hazel brown eyes.
I miss your heart beating just for me.
I MISS YOU! I really do...

But you broke me. .
You broke my heart. .
You made me weak. .

I love you. Always have, always will.

There's nothing more to say now just 'Goodluck, and know that i'll never forget you. Ever. I love you'

A broken hearted person.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Chapter 29


Shlounkm shkhbarkm? Yeah i'm gd thanks for asking :P

Song advice? Ana mnhu - Abdullah Rwaished << el'3nyah? DAMAAAARRRR!!!

Anyways this is chapter 29 enjoy it to the max and fulfill me with your feedbacks and comments! plz?:(
Kik: KuwaitBlogger_
Twitter: @BlogKuwaiti_

September 4th, 2013...

"Rawan yallah goumay"

It was my grandmother shaking me to wake up
But i was so sleepy, so i just ignored her and slept

Grandma: "Rawaan yallah b3ad e7na mu bl bait goumay khal nanzel ryoug"
Rawan: "Mabi ryoug"
Grandma: "Mashe m7ad y3arflich '3air obouch"
Rawan: "Khla9 khla9 ka gemt"

I sat up on the bed, but still didn't open my eyes yet.
I sat there for a long time:D

Grandma: "RAWAN!" she shouted and i opened my eyes in shfech? i looked like a drunk person=))
Rawan: "Ha ha"
Grandma: "Goumay! Yallah!" she comanded
Rawan: "Enzain enzain" i dragged myself slowly to the bathroom, i did my thing, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and wore my grey pink short and an aqua hollister shirt with my nike yellow neon color. Yes i am a sport-fashion girl ;p
I tied my hair into a ponytail and left to eat breakfast with my grandma, khaled, and 3boud. Mom, dad, and a7mad goes late.

There wasn't much in breakfast what i like, so i just ate some carrots and went back to the shalaih
My mom was up & ready to go for breakfast...

Rawan: "Mama tara elryoug mu wayed 7lw"
Mom: "9j"
Rawan: "Wallah"
Mom: "3yal shakality"
Rawan: "Jazar"
Mom: "Mshallah rawan takil jazar"
Rawan: "Eh laish ma akil wallah 3ajeb a7ib eljazar"
Mom: "Eeh mashallah"
Rawan: "Enzain mama wain talfouni?"

See now my mom takes my phone at night, but give it to me back the next morning, but today she didn't...

Mom: "Maku talfoun"
Rawan: "Laish?!" i was really confused and scared a bit, ana shswait 3shan omi takhith talfoni? Wtf? Che mn kaifha? Shnu hatha!
Mom: "Bas mu lazem shtaben bltalfon"
Rawan: "Shnu shtaben feh abeh akalim rfejati ashouf instagram" i listed why do i want it
Mom: "Mu lazem ma buga shay 3al mdrsa rou7ay shoufay rfejatich"

Shfeha omi? Laish ga3da tkalemni eb brood? I HATE PEOPLE TALKING ME COLDLY!!!! but it's okay for me to talk to people coldly;D!!

Rawan: "Yuma shfech?"
Mom: "Mafeni shay khala9 rawan la tdawkheni"

My father came out of his room with a7mad, so i clamed up.

(For those who doesn't know what 'clams up' means, it's an idiom which means to stop talking or shut up)

Dad: "Ha yallah? Rawan re7tay?"
Rawan: "Eeh yuba re7t" i said it like i was in a bad mood
Dad: "Okay yallah namshi?"
Mom: "Yallah"

I sat alone at the shalaih with a PHONE, while all of them were at breakfast...

Should i call? Should i not call?

Call mnu a9lan?

I decided to call Aisha...

Aisha: "Aloo?"
Rawan: "Gwa"
Aisha: "Mnu?"
Rawan: "Ana rawan daga mn talfon elshalaih"
Aisha: "Eh gam agoul mnu al raqam ma knt bshelah awal shay"
Rawan: "La ana enzain sm3ay btyoun elyoum?"
Aisha: "3ndkum?"
Rawan: "Eh ya3ni 3end mnu 3yal"
Aisha: "Madre rawon obouy byi ohwa w foz bas ana maly khilg yaytli"
Rawan: "Waai3 yallah 3ad t3alay shd3wa"
Aisha: "Wallah rawon maly khilg a9lan na9oor mu rathy"
Rawan: "Yallah 3-" i stopped talking thinking for a bit

Nasser? Who the hell is nasser?

Aisha: "Shfech?"
Rawan: "Mnu na9er"
Aisha: "Wa7d akalma"
Rawan: "Mn mta t3arfena"
Aisha: "9arlna 3 ash'hr"

WTF Aisha? wtf!

Rawan: "Yalzag!!!! W yousef?? Laish ana akher man ya3lam!!?"
Aisha: "3shan che maknt abi agoulich l2anich ra7  tgoulen rday 7ag yousef"
Rawan: "Eeeeh reday 7ag yousef!!"
Aisha: "Magdar rawan"
Rawan: "Shnu matgdren aisha la tfren mukhi yousef shswalich 3shan t'hdena"
Aisha: "Ma hdaita"
Rawan: "Ha 3yal enshallah tkalmenhum thnainhum?"
Aisha: "La bas rawon yousef ma gam ys2al blsbou3 maretain ys2al shnu hatha"
Rawan: "Qadray throufa tara ohwa bdera wenty bdera qadray elwakt aisha shfech? Sheftay yousef shswalich ohwa elw7ed ely t7malich w wegaf m3ach w '3ar 3laich w sawa elmusta7el 3shanich w akbar dalel ena y7bich refath BNT KHALTA 3shanich!! Laish mu rathya tstaw3bainn??"

I said it all. All what was in my heart to say for her. Yousef is a great guy, he gave aisha everything she wanted, wala 3umra ga9ar m3aha bshay.

Aisha: "Rawon magdar fhmay tekfain! Om yousef tabeh 7ag bnt khalta oma nesra mabi akoun sbab ena yousef w oma yt'haweshoun"
Rawan: "Shaku yt'hawshoun shaku! Hathy 7yat yousef ohwa ely yqarer shloun yabi y3esh'ha!"

She kept quiet

Rawan: "Kaifch aisha, enzain foz btnam 3ndna 9a7?"
Aisha: "Eeh" she said in a low voice

The door opened, it was khaled and 3boud

Rawan: "Yallah 3yal 3wash akalmich b3dain okay?"
Aisha: "Okay"

I hung up...

3boud: "Shfeeha aisha?"
Rawan: "Mafeha shay ana dgait as2al mta foz btye"
3boud: "Mta btye?"
Rawan: "M3a obouk byoun '3ada"
3boud: "Ok"
Khaled: "Rawoon wain shorty mal elsba7a?"
Rawan: Shoufa bdar omi"

He went and wore it, 3boud went and wore his...

Rawan: "Enzain n6rouni basba7 m3akum!" i went quickly and wore my swim short and shirt, sprayed some banana boat over my body, and sat facing the sun

After half an hour, i swam in the swimming pool with khaled and 3boud, then a7mad came...
We played volleyball in the water, hide-and-seek, racing; we really enjoyed our time...

I got bored so i went out and took a shower in the shalaih. After i was done, i wore my yellow three quarter pants, and a blue aerpostale t-shirt, and my yellow neon shoes, dried my hair, and wore my thick black band, and went to the living room to find Foz and Khaly Ibraheem sitting there with my family...

Khaly ibraheem: "Ha b6ou6a"

La t9adig mshalla enta elth3eeef, enta 39ayaa, shag elrjeem shaaagg!!;@

Foz: "Rawoon emshay khal ntmsha" she gave me a look ena emshay bagoulich shay
Rawan: "Yallah emshay"

We went out of the shalaih heading to the lobby...

Foz: "Bader byi"
Rawan: "Haa? La fwaiz matefaqna chethi!!"
Foz: "Bas bya36eni 9ou'3a yayebli mn thailand"

How cute ;c

Rawan: "Laaa? ya3ni btg3den m3aah?"
Foz: "La 3boud okhouy ra7 yakhtha mnah"

Wtf? 3boud yadre? w ma ygoul? How cute;(!!

I loved you 3boud=))

Rawan: "3boud yadree?"
Foz: "Elkil yadre ela s3oud"
Rawan: "3ad hatha etha dara ra7 yashnqich"
Foz: "Khal ywali 7ta lou yadre shbsawi bader khla9 mkalem ahala 3ani bntzawaj"
Rawan: "Mtaaaaaaa?" i was literally shocked
Foz: "Madre lail7en ma kalam obouy"
Rawan: "W mta byi?"
Foz: "Gal bt'3da w byi"
Rawan: "Ya3ni 3al sa3a 3 4 chethi?"
Foz: "Etha al7en 2 ou n9 b3ad shway yemkin eyi"
Rawan: "Fozo mn al7en agoulich tara mara7 tg3den m3ah"
Foz: "Mara7 ag3ad m3ah haw shfech"
Rawan: "Mafeni shay bas agoulich ya3ni"
Foz: "ana wedi bas ohwa ma ygadr ma3zom 3ers mra7 y6awel;("
Rawan: "A7san"
Foz: "Chub y7mara"

Foz phone rang...

Foz: "Aloo?"
Foz: "Hala"
Foz: "Yallah ok al7en nyi"

she hung up...

Foz: "Yallah emshay 7a6aw '3ada"

We went out of the lobby all the way to the shalaih...

Rawan: "Shnu el'3ada?"
Grandmother: "Baryani dyay"
Rawan: "Laa laish tekfaain!"
Grandmother: "Laish"
Mom: "Oooh rawan ma takil baryani"
Grandmother: "Shdrani ma gtlaw"
Rawan: "Shakil al7en you3ana ana mu makla shay mn el9b7"
Dad: "Rou7ay eb bouki 20 ekhthehum w g3day bl loby 6lbelich ay shay ekleh"
Rawan: "OK!"

I took the 20 and went alone, everybody else was busy eating baryani...

I ordered one cheese pizza, french fries, and pepsi ;p yummmm!;D

I sat waiting for the food just staring at the people, 2 guys stepped in the lobby and one of them caught my attention...

Fahad Al3nzi!!!!!! the football player guy! HE WAS SO SEXY! Too bad i didn't have my phone to take a picture with him!!!!;'(
I was really about to die, this person is like djgfwiorugoqedjadff !!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!

I just kept staring at him like crazy and once he saw me i SMILED and HE SMILED BACK!

Ahhhhh i just miss this day ^^^ :'(:'(;(

But he didn't stay for a long time he went early:(

The food arrived and i ate, paid, and went back to the shalaih...

To be continued...