Friday, April 25, 2014

Chapter 44

9ayra aswe post bser3a?=))

This chapter is dedicated to the stranger who always makes my day blask<3 thankyou wallah you don't know how much it means to me!
Allah y7fthich w ywansich mthl ma wansteni<3.


I'm gonna miss you guyss;(!

Etha tabouni aktb b3d story?
Bas ra7 tkoun fiction (mu 9j)

Enjoyy x

I've tried talking to 7mad after what happened but he didn't give me a chance..
I realized that missing someone is harder than i thought how it would be.

Rawan: "Umbay wallah agoulich f9alna a7la shay ena m7ad y3arfich tgoulen ely btgoulena"
Layan: "Khal nsawe?"
Rawan: "Wallah?"
Layan: "Eeh wallah"
Rawan: "Ana 3endi wa7d entay lma tou9len elbait sawelich wa7d w gouleli"
Layan: "Okay"

We were planning on creating a fake accounts for fun=))

I returned back home..

Dad: "Rawan btyen m3ay elnadi elyoum?" he asked
Rawan: "La baba maly khilg elyoum" i replied
Dad: "Daf3 flous 7ag shnu ana 3yl?"
Rawan: "Okay sh9ar etha youm wa7d ma re7t?"
Dad: "Kaifch"

I went to my room without eating lunch, i wasn't in the mood for lunch::

I did my homework, and by the time i finished i received a whatsapp message from Layan..

Layan: Swait
Rawan: Shsmich 3shan aswelich add
Layan: DalalAlx
Rawan: Okay;p

I signed out my personal kik account and entered the fake one
Added Layan and joined ourselves with some strangers, boys to be exact.

Tbh? M7ad 3a6ana wayh exept 1 bas ena it was so much fun=))!!

Layan: Add 7mad;p
Rawan: Mara7 y36ena wayh
Layan: 3adi bas chthe;p
Rawan: ok:)

And i did a group of us 3 with our fake accounts;D

DalalAlx: Hii;$

My fake account name was NouraAlx

NouraAlx: Hello;$ a7ib esmik 7mad;(
7madAlx: Shnu mnu shlsalfa

Layan: Rad rad!!
Rawan: Adre

It wasn't that fun to me that we did a group with 7mad but it somehow grew hope in me..

7mad left the conversation..

Layan: Haw laish 6ala3?
Rawan: Shdrani

I switched to kik..
Ma gdart at7mil b3d akthar..

NouraAlx: A7ibek
NouraAlx: I miss you wallah
NouraAlx: 7mad khal ntkalam shwy jad bas 5 dgayeg
7madAlx: Enty mnu? Noura wela shnu
NouraAlx: Ana mu noura
7madAlx: Mnu?
NouraAlx: Mabi agoul
7madAlx: Mu tgoulen khal ntklam jad goulay mnu yallah
NouraAlx: Mu qa9di lma gtlik che eni agoulik mnu ana bas b3arf sh'3la wamshi
7madAlx: Shtaben khal9eni bser3a
7madAlx: Btgoulen a7ibek wela la bgoulich la yallah m3a elsalama

Haw shfeh hatha?

NouraAlx: Enzain shfeek shaku? 3a6ni fur9a atkalam?
7madAlx: Yallah tkalemay
NouraAlx: Tkalim a7ad al7en? Bas hatha ely b3arfa
7madAlx: Entay shaku? Bye
NouraAlx: La2ani a7ibek:) bas elthaher maku fayda khla9 okay
7madAlx: Shnu a7ibek eldnya foutha?
NouraAlx: La eldnya mu foutha
7madAlx: Ya baba khl9eni goulay mnu entay la tnrfzeni
NouraAlx: Enta jaweb wallah agoulik
NouraAlx: Enzain agoulik bas tjaweb?
7madAlx: Eh
NouraAlx: Wallah lou ma a7ibek chan ma yetlik 3ugb madre shkither eh w ana rawan w mabi a3arf etha knt tkalim aw la asfa 3al ez3aj bye;*
7madAlx: Laish ma tgoulen mnzman enich rawan
RawanAlx: Madre cham mara ayelik agoulik 7mad mshtagtlik ya t9ekni block ya ta7ger


Jana's idea of not talking to 3li affected me, but i took from another somehow positive way..

Rawan: 7mad?
7mad: ?
Rawan: Asfa mu qa9di 3la elkalam ely glta 3adi tnsah?
7mad: La
Rawan: Nafsyah?
7mad: Kaife
Rawan: Aha
7mad: Taben shay?
Rawan: Eeh
7mad: Shtaben
Rawan: Abeek tkalemni nafs elnas
7mad: Wana ga3d aklmich nafs el7ywanat?
Rawan: M7shoum
7mad: Enzain mshkoura khl9eni taben shay mu fathy
Rawan: La salamtik
7mad: Bye

Back to reality...

7madAlx: Khla9 asef al7en mra7 aswelich shay athbtay enich 9j 9j t7beni
RawanAlx: I miss you wayed 7mad wallah
7madAlx: Fdaitch wallah

Wai3 shnu fdaitch;'(=))!

7madAlx: Shlounich al7en?
RawanAlx: Tmam enta shlounik
7madAlx: Tmam
RawanAlx: 3sa
7madAlx: Weyach
RawanAlx: Ajma3en;p
7madAlx: Mdrsa 7kouma thanwy wela lel7en kha9a b3d?
RawanAlx: Kha9a;p
7madAlx: Eeh a9lan 3adi ana mgazerha operate;p

What does he mean when he said 'a9lan 3adi?'

RawanAlx: A9lan 3adi
7madAlx: 3ndkum operate;p? Ma 3ndkum
RawanAlx: La ma3endna-.-
7madAlx: W b3d wain trou7en wain tyeen kntay 24 sa3a 360 lel7en wela la?
RawanAlx: La waih mnzma mu ra7ya;p 9ayra kila ya shalaih aw avenues
7madAlx: 3shtaw shalaih b3d
RawanAlx: Eeh;p
7madAlx: Khla9 3yl ana barou7 agz mnak
RawanAlx: Cheni ma sheft
7madAlx: Kaaak wallah rawon lel7en t'3aren?
RawanAlx: Shrayik? enta bas goule enta shrayik?
7madAlx: Asef asef;p<3
RawanAlx: Tmoun;*

Tmoun wel bumba?=))
Qasmn bellah t'tha7k;D!! Wallah ena dami khafef;p

7madAlx: Barou7 bagz btsans bthab6 rawan bag3ad asoulef m3aha shway
RawanAlx: Eeh a3arfha 3ad 9ayra ma t36e wayh klish
7madAlx: Ahaaa ya3ni thgela
RawanAlx: Blthab6
7madAlx: Bas ygoloun t7b 7mad 9j?
RawanAlx: Tmout feh
7madAlx: 3yl tsawe ay shay bkha6rah 9a7?
RawanAlx: Yemkin
7madAlx: Afa laish yemkin
RawanAlx: Ohwa shnu bkha6ra
7madAlx: Bkha6re ashoufich wag3ad asoulef m3ach
RawanAlx: Enshallah ashouf
7madAlx: 9j?
RawanAlx: Eeh;p
7madAlx: Obouy;*

7mdellah ma gal fdaitch=))

I switched to whatsapp..

Rawan: I LOVE YOOOUUUU!!!!!!
Layan: Moreee;D<3
Rawan: We're back together thanks to you a7ibch wallah
Layan: Aww your welcome 7abebe;**

I was extremely happy!
Full happiness=))

I spent the day talking to him till i fell asleep..


The next day arrived, and they day after, and the day after...
And by each day that comes, 7mad loses interest..

But the question is: Where did i go wrong?

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