Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chapter 37

Hey guys;p Here's chapter 37! Ma 7bait a6awel 3laikum adre mt7msen;p?

So basically this chapter ra7 ykoun KILA dialouge..

Enjoy it to the fullest!! and COMMENTS COMMENTS COMMENTS!!!

RawanAlx: LAYAAAN!!!!
LayanAlx: HALAAA
RawanAlx: Ana wagfa 3nd elbab!!
LayanAlx: Umbay 7elfayy!!
RawanAlx: Wallah!
LayanAlx: Foz w aisha m3ach?
RawanAlx: La ra7aw caribou coffee galaw dshay barou7ich;(!!
LayanAlx: Eeh yallah dshay!!!
RawanAlx: Okay i'm going in now la tdzen shay cuz mara7 ashouf talfoni okk?
LayanAlx: OK!

I locked my phone, took a deep breath, knocked the door, and entered...

The moment i saw 7mad lying down on the white bed with jibs all over his body my heart ached.
I entered and didn't even spit a word, i was speechless. I was extremely happy that i saw him, but i didn't want to see him this way.

7mad: "Rawan?"
9ala7: "Rawan?"

I looked at both of them..

Rawan: "Hala?" i said shakily
9ala7: "3adi akalmich bara shway?"
Rawan: "O-okay"
7mad: "La"

I shifted my gaze at him, looked at him lost, my eyes met his, it was magical. Those hazel eyes catched my attention.

9ala7: "Bakalemha dgega barra"
7mad: "Kalemha mni"
9ala7: "7maid shfek?"
7mad: "Ha? Eh ok rou7 kalemha"
9ala7: "Emshay rawan"

I followed him silently, i can feel 7mad's eyes on me, but i didn't dare to look at him..

9ala7: "Laish ma gltay btyen hal 7aza?"
Rawan: "Mu enta gtley t3alay 8 aw 9? Khla9 ka yeet"
9ala7: "Enzain bas om 7mad yemkin tye al7en!"
Rawan: "Okay mara7 a6awel, 9ala7 mabi arja3 bag3ad shwaya"
9ala7: "Enzain mu t6wlen ana t7at eb caribou"
Rawan: "Okay"

And 9ala7 left me with 7mad alone, i took a breath and entered with a smile..

I stood there just staring at him and smiling like an idiot.

7mad: "Shfeech?" he laughed
Rawan: "Mafeni shay"
7mad: "Laish tkhzen?"
Rawan: "Kaife"
7mad: "La wallah?"
Rawan: "Eeh wallah"
7mad: "Enzain t3alay ekhthay krsay w g3day"

I grabbed a chair and sat shway b3ed 3an 7mad..

7mad: "7lfay rawan?"
Rawan: "Shnu?"
7mad: "Yebay elkersi w garbay"
Rawan: "Huh?"
7mad: "T3alay garbay shfech en9mkhtay? Yebay elkrsay garbay yami laish mba3da hnak"
Rawan: "Eeh ok"

Seriously Rawan?

Did you become stupid at the moment or what??

I brought the chair and sat next to 7mad's bed, i was so close to him

7mad: "Wela agoulich?"
Rawan: "Shnu"
7mad: "T3alay g3day 3al frash" he smiled
Rawan: "'3la6an 7mad! bas che mrta7a"
7mad: "Shgltay?"
Rawan: "Glt '3al6an enshallah mag3ad 3al frash"
7mad: "La la ba3adha?"
Rawan: "Che mrta7a"
7mad: "La gabelha"
Rawan: "'3al6an?"
7mad: "Laaa!! ba3adha"
Rawan: "7mad?"
7mad: "Labeeh!! mnzeman mu sam3 esmi b9outch"

Okay mister 7mad klish mu wakt e7raaj;(

I didn't speak just kept smiling, ya3ni mst7ya w ketha

7mad: "Tst7en mni?"
Rawan: "La shaku"
7mad: "Eh zain"

Some awkward moments of silence..

7mad: "3ad t9adgen"
Rawan: "Shnu?" i asked
7mad: "Mshtaglich" he replied
Rawan: "Ana ba3ad" i said in a low voice w elth7ka shaga el7alj;p
7mad: "Obouy ely yst7ouun!"
Rawan: "Bas 7mad" i was literaly a tomato now
7mad: "Enzain khla9 khla9"

I decided to ask a question that was always on my mind..

Rawan: "3adi as2lik su2al?"
7mad: "Amray kly lch"
Rawan: "T7ib a7ad al7en?"

He kept quiet, and gave me that innocent look..

No. He can't love someone!!

Wait a9lan ana shaku? it's his life..

7mad: "Agoulich shay?"
Rawan: "Goul"
7mad: "3ugbich klamt 1"
Rawan: "Mnu?"
7mad: "Esmha Fajer"

Ya3alha elma7y enshallah-.-

7mad: "W kanat 7ail 6ayba ya3ni kanat 3adi ma knt a7ibha wla knt akraha bas 6la3at mu kafu w lel3ilm tra kalamt'ha bas 3shan ansach"
Rawan: "Laish?"
7mad: "Mn 3refat eni allah la ygoul e7tmal ma amshi galat magdar akalmik"
Rawan: "Aham shay?"
7mad: "Wallah, ya3ni shoufay enty mn mta ana mu mkalmich? Wenty elw7eda ely yetay w jad 9dmteni entay akher w7da twq3t'ha tyeli"
Rawan: "Ma knt t7bha 9a7?"

7mad noticed my jeolusy, so he tried playing with me..

7mad: "Embala" he smiled


Rawan: "Aha ok" i was going to punch him in the face
7mad: "Rawona"
Rawan: "3you- Hala?"
7mad: "Shfech laish sekaty? Kamlay elklma eloula"
Rawan: "Mabi"

ya3ni ga3da at'3ala w ketha...;p

7mad: "Shfeha el7lwa 3agda elnona?"
Rawan: "Mafeha shay"
7mad: "Tshwgen wentay z3lana"

I looked at him without saying anything, i kept staring, just like that.

7mad: "Shfeeech!?"
Rawan: "Shloun na9oor"
7mad: "Mnu na9oor???"
Rawan: "okhouk el9'3er"
7mad: "Wenty shaku feh"
Rawan: "Mshtagtla"
7mad: "Na3am?"
Rawan: "Shfek?"
7mad: "Shnu mshtagtla?"
Rawan: "Eeh ba3ad shnu"
7mad: "La tkhleni adg 3la fajora 7bebti"
Rawan: "Fajora? 7bebtik? Wow mshallah"

7mad went on laughing becuase my face was really serious, ya3ni a'3ar khou!-.-

7mad: "Wallah tshwgen lma t3a9ben mal 3ath"
Rawan: "Huh?"
7mad: "Rawan shfech yana??"
Rawan: "La mafeni shay"
7mad: "Tra at'3shmar wallah ma7ib fajer"
Rawan: "Okay" i was calmed down now
7mad: "Rawan entay kalamty?"

I thought for a moment..

Balak ma ta3rf ana shmhabeba ya 7mad;(

Rawan: "La"
7mad: "7lfay"
Rawan: "Okay kalamt 1"
7mad: "Wallah 9j?"

I kept quiet.

7mad: "W shaku kalamteh"
Rawan: "Madre" i pretended to play with my phone
7mad: "3a6eni talfonich" he was furious

Laa! Okay i'm dead if he get my phone.

Rawan: "Laish?"
7mad: "Abeeh"
Rawan: "Shtabe feh"
7mad: "Bashouf shay"
Rawan: Shbtshouf"
7mad: "Rawan bt36eni wela la?" my hearts started beating fast
Rawan: "La" i said in a low voice
7mad: "Aha ya3ni feh shay?"
Rawan: "La mafeh"
7mad: "3yl laish matben t36eni"
Rawan: "Bas 7mad chats m3a rfejati w 9warhum ya3ni fe ashya2 mabek tshoufhum!"
7mad: "Yebeh rawan"
Rawan: "Mabi 7mad"
7mad: "Mt2kda ma taben?"
Rawan: "Hak hak adre mara7 tlga shay bas rasik yabs"

He smiled.

7mad: "Adre"

I sat there just staring 3la shnu ydkhal bas he didn't even unlock my phone..

7mad: "Hach"
Rawan: "Ma tabe tshouf?"
7mad: "La, i trust you 3la goultkum blenglaizy"

I was happy that he trust me, but sad that i've done all these things..

Rawan: "7mad"
7mad: "Labeeh"
Rawan: "A7ibek"

He widened his eyes a little with a huge grin on his face...

Okay yemkin 6la3at mni bl'3la6;(!!

7mad: "Yuma l7gay 3lay rawan btjle6niii" he shouted
Rawan: "Hey hey enta!!"
7mad: "Yabouyy wallah mat7mal"
Rawan: "Haw 7mad shfek!!"
7mad: "Allah ykhalech 3eday"

Rawan: "A7ibek"
7mad: "Yuuumaaa wainchhh abi atzwaj t3alaaay kh6belii!!" he kept shouting
Rawan: "Umbay 7mad!!! la t9arekh!!" i laughed at how crazy he was
7mad: "Enzain la tzfen"
Rawan: "Maynon wallah" i kept on laughing
7mad: "Enzain 3edeha"
Rawan: "La bas"
7mad: "Allah ykhalech"
Rawan: "3shan t9arekh b3ad?? La maku"
7mad: "Wallah ma9arekh wallah tkfain 3eday;("
Rawan: "A7ibek"
7mad: "B3ad"
Rawan: "A7ibek"
7mad: "Akheeh b3ad b3ad"
Rawan: "Bas 3ad 7mad shnu 7law?"
7mad: "Eeh entay 7law w kakaw gayelich mal 3ath"

I kept quiet, it was really awkward! I wasn't really used for someone to tell me these stuff.

7mad: "Asef"
Rawan: "3la shnu?"
7mad: "Chenich z3alty youm gtlich enich mal 3ath?"
Rawan: "La 3adi"
7mad: "Akeed?"
Rawan: "Akedain"
7mad: "A7ibch wallah"
Rawan: "Ana akthar"
7mad: "Rawan!!"
Rawan: "Shnu shfek"
7mad: "Tadren ma7ib hlklma"
Rawan: "Adre"
7mad: "3yl la-"
Rawan: "Amout feek" i interrupted him

He was smiling so hard, which made me smile even more, i adored his smile.

7mad: "Allah la y7remni mnich"
Rawan: "Wala mnik"
7mad: "Ajma3een"

My phone rang, Incoming call, 3wash

7mad: "Mnu?"
Rawan: "Bnt khaly"
7mad: "Shtabi"
Rawan: "Madre"
7mad: "Ya3ni elwa7id ma yerta7 7ta m3a murta? Rday rday shoufay shtabi" he giggled
Rawan: "Mynoon;D" i giggled too

Rawan: "Hala 3wash"
Aisha: "Rawoon yallah malaina 9arlna sa3a ga3den mni"
Rawan: "Enzain yallah bye" i hunged up, i didn't want to return back home, i didn't want this day to end it was the best day in my ENITRE LIFE!!

7mad: "Shtabi"
Rawan: "La bas ts2al"
7mad: "Tabech trou7en 9a7?"
Rawan: "Eeh" i said in a low voice
7mad: "Yallah khla9 rou7ay"
Rawan: "Ha 7ma shaklik tabeha mn allah" i teased him
7mad: "La 7ram 3laich yal thalma wallah wedi tkounen m3ay el3umer kila"

I blushed and i was really shy!!

Rawan: "Enzain 7mad bas"
7mad: "Wayhich 9ar 6oma6a"
Rawan: "Adree" i rubbed my cheeks
7mad giggled

Rawan: "Enzain ana lazem arou7" i said in a sad tone
7mad: "Rawan tt'thygain etha msakt eidch?"
Rawan: "Huh?"
7mad: "Bamsik eidch"

I looked at his hands approaching mine, gently touching it, i had goospumps, i never want to let go.
I then stared at his eyes and he stared in mine, and we stayed there for a long time!

Rawan: "Lai m-"
7mad: "Oushh"
Rawan: "7mad shbtswi?" i was getting a little scared
7mad: "Mara7 asawe shay la tkhafen"
Rawan: "7mad ana lazem arou7"
7mad: "Enzain bas rub3 sa3a amana rawoon"
Rawan: "Okay"
7mad: "Ouff la klish mu wakta!!"
Rawan: "Shnu?"
7mad: "Abi arou7 7mam"
Rawan: "W laish ma trou7?"
7mad: "Shayfa agdar amshi? Rawona 3adi tnaden elnurse barra?"
Rawan: "Okay dgega"

I went out, but i didn't find anyone.

Oh shit, jad mu waktaa!

Rawan: "7mad ma lgait a7ad"
7mad: "Walaih enzain wadeni entay"
Rawan: "Huh? La mabi"
7mad: "Khou ma glt dshay m3ay bas mskeni lai el7mam"
Rawan: "La 7mad mabi wallah akhaf a3awrik aw shay"
7mad: "Khla9 khla9 g3day t3lay 3a6eni eidch khal nkamil elromanciya" he held my hand and stared at my face
Rawan: "La tkhz chethi" i smiled
7mad: "A7ibch rawan wras ahali klhum a7ibch"
Rawan: "La ta7lif bras ahalik wallah ana amout fek"

And my phone rang agin interruptiong... incoming call, 3wash

7mad: "Walaaaih!"

Rawan: "Aloo?"
Aisha: "Rawan bser3a 6el3ay bas bnrou7 ahal 7mad yayen!!"

Laaaaa mabe laaaaaishhh;(((!!

Rawan: "okay"

I got up from the chair and 7mad held my hand tight this time, it felt good..

7mad: "Wain btrou7en"
Rawan: "Ahalik yayen lazem arou7"
7mad: "Ma shba3t mnich"
Rawan: "Wala ana wallah"
7mad: "Enzain t3alay bagoulich shay b2thounich"

I bent down so he could say what he wanted to say..

7mad: "A7ibch" i can feel his breath tickeling me ears, i then felt his hands around my neck making me even closer to him, and soft lips kissed my forehead, i didn't move, yet i closed my eyes enjoying the moment. It was literaly the most amazing feeling i ever had. Unforgettable one.

He started to lie back so i backed off..

7mad: "Derbalich 3la nafsich" he said with a smile

I didn't speak, i was extremely happy, i kept staring at him blindely still holding his hand..

7mad: "Rawan shfech glbtay 9anam?"

I smiled, let go of his hands, waved goodbye and made my way to the car where Foz and Aisha were waiting for me..


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chapter 36

 Hello to the beautiful person reading this x

This chapter is dedicated to a really sweet person! @Ghsoun_ i think is her acc;p madre shay che;p

If you're reading this, i love u;p

Enjoy it to the max people & don't forget please!! Your comments? Makes my day<3

I barely slept this night, i was thinking about what will happen when i meet 7mad.

I know it's wrong, specially for a 14 year old like me but what to do? When you fall in love, it's really hard to let go.

And as YousefJR 'Yousef Jassem Ramadhan' said: "Love and age are not related"

I woke up on the annoying sound of Khaled's..

Khaled: "Rawan"
             "Rawaan goumay!!"
Rawan: "Weja3 khaled e6la3 w9k el lait bnam!"
Khaled: "Goumay yallah rfejatich barra"

I opened my eyes and gave khaled the wtf look.

Khaled: "La tkhzen chethi wallah rfejatich barra twa dgaw talfon"

I shifted my gaze at the mini clock on the table next to me, 9 am..

Laish ya jana w jenan ma tkhloun elwa7d yt'hna bnoumtaa;(

Rawan: "Enzain enta yallah elbs bser3a 3la ma ana adsh el7mam wabdel"
Khaled: "Ana aye?"
Rawan: "Eeh mama galat akhtik m3ay"
Khaled: "Okay yallah mu t6wlen"

I rushed to the bathroom, did my thing, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and went back to my room to change my clothes..
I wore my dark purple PINK t-shirt, a kinda silver-gold color pants, and a nike white and gold shoes, i grabbed my phone and went..

Rawan: "Mama tra e7na ray7en okay?"
Mama: "Yallah allah weyakum, taboun flous?"
Rawan: "La ma n7taj bas bnshouf 79in w nrja3"
Mama: "Yallah kaifkum derbalkum 3la nfskum"
Rawan: "Enshallah"

I went off running to the driver's car...

Jenan: "Rawan? Sa3a sa3a?"
Rawan: "Eklay khara m7ad galich t3alay mbacher ma khlaiteni anam"
Jana: "Entay shkither tnamen?"
Rawan: "Lel2saf wayed"

Kila mnashbeni yakhi shtboun ana w7da a7ib elnoum;(

After we arrived to the hunting and equestrian club, we met with our teacher and some classmates..
We began to ran around having fun..

The boys wanted to go and play football in the field, but jenan, jana, layan & I decided to stay in the car..
On our way to the car my phone rang so i stopped to pick it up...

Rawan: "Aloo?"
Stranger: "Aloo"

I recognized it, it was 9ala7...

Rawan: "Hala 9ala7"
Stranger: "Ana 3end 7mad"

My heart skipped a beat...

Rawan: "Ohwa ga3d?"
9ala7: "La twa nam"
Rawan: "Okay wshgalaw feh?"
9ala7: "Kaser bl7outh" he said in a voice i can barely hear
Rawan: "Shnu?" i asked
9ala7: "kaser bl7outh rawan kaser bl7outh" he replied in a low, sad tone

I stopped talking, walking, etc..
My entire body just froze..

No this can't be happening to 7mad!

Wake me up from this nightmare!!

Layan: "Yallah rawaan emshaay"

I ignored her and asked about 7mad..

Rawan: "Ya3ni 7mad ra7 y9eer mu3aq?"
9ala7: "Klshay eb eid allah"
Rawan: "Bas e7tmal y9er mu3aq 9a7?"
9ala7: "Entay shqa9dich eb mu3aq?"
Rawan: "Qa9di ena mara7 yamshi ba3ad wkila 3al weelchair hatha qa9di"
9ala7: "Eeh e7tmal kber ykoun chethi bas laish tfakren chethi? 7mad mana3ta qaweya wenshallah hal 7adth ma ykoun yayebla wayed thrar, rawan 7mad ma yabi mnich ela eldu3aa2"
Rawan: "Wallah ra7 ad3ela bas 9ala7 abeh yerja3 nafs gabl"

I hid my tears as i walked to the car..

9ala7: "Enshallah ra7 yerja3 nafs gabil wa7san ba3ad"
Rawan: "Enshallah"
9ala7: "Yallah ana ast2thin m3a elsalama"
Rawan: "M3a elsalama"

I entered the car and "acted" normal..

Jana: "Mnu kntay tklmen?"
Rawan: "M7ad"

Seriously rawan? Is is that even a lie? Or a stupid joke?

Layan: "Yallah yallah goulay"
Rawan: "M7ad shfekum!" i giggled
Layan: "Yallah rawan goulay 3afya"
Rawan: "9ala7"
Layan: "Mnu hatha"
Jana: "Mnu 9ala7?"
Rawan: "Weld khal 7mad"
Jana: "Wentay shaku mkalmta"
Rawan: "Ohwa ely dag 3lay"
Layan: "Ok shyabi?"
Rawan: "Bas gale shfeh 7mad"
Layan: "Shfeeh 7mad?"
Rawan: "Kaser bl7outh"
Layan: "Umbaay!"

Layan is the kind of a girl that's get emotional easily, and she really gets into the sitiuation when you're chatting/talking with her.

Jenan: "Shnu ya3ni?"
Rawan: "Ya3ni e7tmal ma yamshi"
Layan: "Umbaaaay!!"

Eeh w wayed tgoul umbay etha t7amesat=))

Layan: "Wshgalola?"
Rawan: "Madre elyoum barou7la" i said confidently
Layan: "Chathaba"
Rawan: "Wallah glt 7ag 3wash galat okay ra7 twadeni"
Layan: "Eeeeh!!"

We kept and chatting till the boys came back..
Jenan, Jana, & I went to Layan's house..

Layan: "Taboun shnu 7ag '3ada subway wela macdonald's?"

6a3 hathi tqaren mac eb subway??

Mac ya 7beebii w chena el3eeed!!;D

Bas t3arfoun sh3our ena tst7oun tgoloun cuz u don't have the money to pay? But she saved the moment anyway..

Layan: "Bas tra m7ad fekum ra7 ydfa3 ana 3azmtkum"

Ana ma3endi flous a9lan tabeni adfa3lich?=))

Layan: "Yallah shnu mac wela subway?"
Rawan: "Mac"
Layan: "Jana jenan? Mac wela subway?"
Jana&Jenan: "Mac"

I spent half of the day with my besties, so my day was half made..
What'll make me happier even more? Shoufta.. eeh shoufta:: 7mad ya3nii::::

It was 7pm already!

Incoming call, Mama.

Rawan: "Aloo?"
Mom: "Aloo"
Rawan: "Hala mama"
Mom: "Ha rawan wainch?"
Rawan: "Bait layan"
Mom: "Elsa3a 7 rawan dagat 3lay aisha galat yalla yaboun yrou7on ma tben trou7en?"
Rawan: "Bala mama barou7 bas na6ren sayg jenano 3shan yge6ni elbait"
Mom: "Yallah okay"
Rawan: "Okay"
Mom: "Yallah mu t6wlen"
Rawan: "Enshallah"

I hung up..

After exactly 15 minutes the driver called and i was already at my house, well-dressed to meet 7mad..
Rawan: "3wash"
Aisha: "Hmm shfech?" she was busy with her phone
Rawan: "Mabi arou7"

She shifted her gaze and stared at me..

Aisha: "Mn9jich?"
Rawan: "Wallah mabi"
Aisha: "Laish??"
Rawan: "Madre bas khayfa"
Aisha: "Tra rawon 7mad 6ayeb wallah must7el ysawi aw ygoul shay ythaygich w ra7 trou7en w qa9bin 3laich"

I whatsapp-ed Layan and told her that i no longer want to go because fear controlled me..

LayanAlx: La ra7 trou7en!!
RawanAlx: Mabi wallah akhaf
LayanAlx: Tst3b6ain? Rawan rou7ay!! it's ur chance wallah believe me
RawanAlx: Akhaaf!!
LayanAlx: Think of it positively!

And i did..
I started imagining our talks, his laughter, and i realized that this is a chance of a lifetime for me, it's never going to come back again., so why not to go?

RawanAlx: Khla9 okay barou7
LayanAlx: Yaaay!! W goulely klshay y9eer m3aach!!!
RawanAlx: Offcoarse i will
LayanAlx: Gd luck!
RawanAlx: Thanks x
LayanAlx: Anytime;*

I was chatting with Layan all the way to the hospital, and as we go closer, my heart's beat faster...

RawanAlx: LAYAAAN!!!!
LayanAlx: HALAAA
RawanAlx: Ana wagfa 3nd elbab!!
LayanAlx: Umbay 7elfayy!!
RawanAlx: Wallah!
LayanAlx: Foz w aisha m3ach?
RawanAlx: La ra7aw caribou coffee galaw dshay barou7ich;(!!
LayanAlx: Eeh yallah dshay!!!
RawanAlx: Okay i'm going in now la tdzen shay cuz mara7 ashouf talfoni okk?
LayanAlx: OK!

I locked my phone, took a deep breath, knocked the door, and entered...

To be continued...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Chapter 35

Hello to the most beautiful creatures on earth!

I love you all & thank you for your support!

Please ask, dm, kik me if you want anything or ay shay!! I'm always here x

Kik: KuwaitBlogger_
Twitter: @BlogKuwaiti_

Fulfill me with your comments/feedbacks!

& i wish to all the students a great luck in their exams, do your best people xx


Incoming call. Unknown number...

Rawan: "Aloo?" my voice was shaky w mbayen eni knt bachya
Stranger: "Rawan abech tyen 7ag 7mad"
Rawan: "Enta 9ala7?"
Stranger: "Eeh"
Rawan: "Shfeeh 7mad?" and there i go starting crying again
9ala7: "T3ban rawan wayed t3ban"
Rawan: "Enzain shfeh shgalaw feeh!!"
9ala7: "Madree ana ma r7tla lel7en bas talfona 3endi w rawan wallah twahagt madre shswi gemt at3bath feh glt yemkin ykalm w7da wmabeha tg3ad t7atey 7ram ma lgait ela entay!"

I was confused and scared, yet happy...

Why don' t you want to continue with me if i was the only girl in your life 7mad?

Why did you lie to me about having a new love in your life?


Time went on and missing 7mad grew bigger in me, so i talked to Layan...

RawanAlx: Layan?
LayanAlx: Hala
RawanAlx: Fathya?
LayanAlx: Laish shfech?
RawanAlx: Nothing bas bkalmich bmwthou3
LayanAlx: Shfech goulay
RawanAlx: I miss 7mad
LayanAlx: I feel u;(
RawanAlx: Wallah jad i miss him shswy i can't take it anymore?
LayanAlx: Do you still love him?
RawanAlx: A LOT.
LayanAlx: Tell him 3yl
RawanAlx: He won't give me a chance i tried several times
LayanAlx: Maybe this time will be different! Tell him rawon la tkhalen shay bgalbich goulela klshay
RawanAlx: Ya3ni agoula?
LayanAlx: Yes now!
RawanAlx: Okay fine i will..
LayanAlx: Goulely shegoul!
RawanAlx: Eh ok

I did repeat and thought to myself...

Should i do it?

But i know 7mad, ra7 yadgernii;(!

i shut all the negative thoughts, entered kik, searched for his name, and started typing...

RawanAlx: 7mad bagoulik shay

I waited and waited and finally he replied..

7madAlx: Shnu

Wow nafsyaa:)

RawanAlx: Shouf ely knt bagoula eni 7mad lel7en a7ibek wallah wayed mu shwya! Adre yemkin mkalem a7ad thani w t7bha al7en bas magdar akhsh klmat a7ibek bgalbi fa bas hatha ely knt bagoula atmana ma tadger ;p

Was i 'khfefa' when i texted him this? Well, i don't think so, i just really can't help it, i miss him, he should really understand that.

My heart starting beating when i saw that he read it, but it started to calm down every minute...
I waited for him to reply but he didn't...
So yes, 7egarni...

RawanAlx: Ma tabi tgoul shay?

And by the second i sent it he asnwered...

7madAlx: Shagoul rawan? Mrtb6 bw7da asef

These words were really painful, i felt like knives stabbing me from everywhere, it was just hard to believe...
So i went to the bathroom and starting crying.
Well, crying is mostly the only way to let it out, in my own perspective...

After i calmed down somehow, i captured the mini-chat and sent it to Layan..
She tried comforting me too, but i wasn't really caring, my mind was with 7mad and what've he told me.

Layan: Agoulich shay?
Rawan: Goulay
Layan: I was just a kid and i felt depressed and everything, i don't remember when i had no care in the world and i never knew where i went wrong i kept asking myself if i was the reason of everything happening but you know what its not your fault its just life!! i won't tell u life is unfair cuz everyone knows that, the real thing to say is life's a bitch!! it makes you feel bad about things u had nothing to do with but it just makes you feel like u do but there's always gonna be good times and i promise that just tell urself everything's going to be OK even though u feel like it won't<3

W ylomouni laish a7ibha hal bnt?

She built a smile on my face, and brought tears of happiness..

I'm really blessed to have such a friend like her. My friends are my everything, my happiness.

I took a shower and stayed under the hot water too long to shut the negative things that happened on this day...

Back to reality...

9ala7Alx: Aloo?
9ala7Alx: Rawan wallah mu wakta ta7greeni
9ala7Alx: Rawaaaaan!!?
RawanAlx: Hala?

He answered quickly..

9ala7Alx: Wain re7tay!!!
RawanAlx: Kani mwjouda
9ala7Alx: Shloun 3ala 7mad btyela??
RawanAlx: Ohwa ga3d al7en?
9ala7Alx: Madre agoulich ana mu 3enda bacher barou7la bag3ad 3enda
RawanAlx: Mmm..
9ala7Alx: Shnu mmm..? Btyen wela la
RawanAlx: Al7en la magdar
9ala7Alx: Mu al7en '3abiya enty? Bacher?
RawanAlx: Bacher ba6la3
9ala7Alx: Shnu el6al3a aham mn 7mad?

He made me speechless...
I was planning on going with my friends and my english teacher to the Hunting & Equestrian club and i really couldn't believe that my mom agreed to go al7en hatha yabeni ma arou7;(?

9ala7Alx: Ha shfech ma trden?
RawanAlx: Ahala 3enda 9ala7 shloun aye ballah?
9ala7Alx: '3abiya enty? Khou ma gtlich t3alay el9b7
RawanAlx: 3yl mta?
9ala7Alx: T3alay blail
RawanAlx: 3al sa3a cham ya3ni?
9ala7Alx: Madre 9 aw 10
RawanAlx: Oulaa
9ala7Alx: Shnu
RawanAlx: Wetha omi ma rethat?
9ala7Alx: La tertha enshallah
RawanAlx: Okay ashouf

I was mixed with emotiones..
I really wanted to go with my friends, but i would LOVE to go to 7mad & actually sit and chat with him for the first time.

I talked to Aisha and Foz & asked them etha ygdroun ywadouni 3end 7mad and they agreed, now how do i tell my mom?

Rawan: "Mama?"
Mom: "Hala"
Rawan: "Mama 3adi arou7 bacher ma3a aisha w foz?"
Mom: "Wain ba3ad?"
Rawan: "Bait yadat'hum"

Sheftaw el9aroukh shkubra? Afa 3laikum bas ;D

Mama: "Enty shaku trou7en 3ndhum?"
Rawan: "Yuma dalal bnt khalt'hum msawya che 3zema 3azmatni fa barou7 tkfain"
Mama: "Al7en enty bacher mu btrou7en nadi el9aid?"
Rawan: "Eeh khou hatha barou7la el9b7 bait yadat 3wash blail"
Mama: "Aha ya3ni bacher btgathena kla 6al3a?"
Rawan: "Mama please;(!"
Mama: "Uff enzain"

I had a big grin on my face!!

RawanAlx: Okay ra7 aye bacher
9ala7Alx: 7lfay omich rthat?
RawanAlx: Wallah eh
9ala7Alx: Shgltelha
RawanAlx: Eni barou7 bait khalt bnt khaly
9ala7Alx: Enzain agoul 7ag 7mad enich btyen etha re7tla bacher?
RawanAlx: Kaifek
9ala7Alx: Mashkoura rawan wallah adre ra7 ystans
RawanAlx: Ma swait shay;*
9ala7Alx: <3;*