Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chapter 4

I know that i'm beeing late posting sorry :(

I woke up the next morning on Shahad's voice screaming...

Me: "9akray el lait w 6l3ay barra" i yawned
Shahad: "It's 9:00 am. goumaw wallah ma yamdeena bacher bna7der"
Dalal: "Enty shkether t7nen khala9 gelna ngoum"
Shahad: "Meta bacher?" she teased us
Yasmeen: "Ufff khala9 gemna ert7tay"
Shahad: "Goumaw libsaw 3ashan nrou7 nrkab jets"
Me: "Laish tetfalsefain w enty ma t3arfeen tsogeen"
Shahad: "3adi u and Dalal t3arfoon ana w Yasmeen ma n3aref ya3ni ana arkab ma3a Dalal w enty w Yasmeen aw el 3ks"
Dalal: "Enzain yallah la n'6ay3 wagt zyada"

We got up and changed into our swim suit...
We got the jets out and we were ready to go...

Dalal and Shahad were in on jet...
Yasmeen and i were in one jet...

Dalal and Shahad went left and we went right...
We were going to meet eachother in the shalaih at 11:00 am...

Time passed and we were still driving the jets...
It was about to be 11:00...
Yasmeen and I decided to go back to the shalaih...
Half way to the shalaih and the jet stopped...

Yasmeen: "Shfech laish wagaftay"
Me: "I think we are out of fuel"
Yasmeen: "CHATHABA!"
Yasmeen: "Al7een shnsawy"
Me: "Call Dalal"
Yasmeen: "My phone bl shalaih!"
Me: "Allah yakhthich al7een shnsawy"

We stayed quiet for 5 minutes...

Yasmeen: "Lai meta e7na bng3ad bhal 7ar chethi"
Me: "You have 2 ways to survive"
Yasmeen: "Shnu!"
Me: "First, swim back to the shalaih. Second, wait till somebody helps us"
Yasmeen: "I think we'll wait"

We waited and waited and waited...

Me: "Yasmeeno mu hatha elly da3mte b Mac!!"
Yasmeen: "WAIN!"
Me: "Kaho yay 9obna"
Yasmeen: "La ytarawlich" her voice was shaky

A guy came to us...
It was the guy that Yasmeen pumped in to him at MacDonald's...

The guy: "El salam enty mu el bnt ely da3amteni b Mac?"
Yasmeen: "3laikum el salam w ee ana" she smiled
The guy: "Oh okay w laish wagfeen?"
Me: "Khala9 el banzeen"
The guy: "Enzain trkboun ma3ay wla tan6roun ayeblokum banzeen?"
Yasmeen: "Nan6r"
The guy: "Ok thwani w aye"

The guy went to bring us some fuel...
Yasmeen was smiling a smile that almost reaches her ears...

Me: "Ashoufich shaga el 7alj"
Yasmeen: "Chub ok"
Me: "Ok bs i think he likes you"
Yasmeen: "Shako" she giggled
Me: "Mbayen 3laih khosh walad"
Yasmeen: "Ee" she smiled

The guy came and filled our jet with fuel...

Me: "Mashkoor ma tga9er lo mu enta chan al7een e7na lail7een 6a7seen ehni"
The guy: "El 3afu shda3wa ma swait shay"
The guy: "Ana 6alal by the way"
Yasmeen: "3ashat el asmai ana Yasmeen w hathi rfeejti Razan"
6alal: "Yasmeen?"
Yasmeen: "Halla"
6alal: "La2 bs esmich 7elw"
Yasmeen: "Mashkoor" she smiled
Me: "Yallah Yasmeen nrou7?"
Yasmeen: "Yallah"
6alal: "Ee 3la fkra ana hatha shalaihe etha ba'3aitaw ay shay bs golaw"
Me: "Enshallah yalla ma3asalama"

His shalaih was in Bnaider too...
Kan fe 3 shalaih's yamna ba3dain ohwa ya3ni greeb...

Yasmeen: "Eyani wyach tyebeen seera 7g elly 9ar tawa"
Me: "Kaaaaakk inshallah"

I continued laughing...
Yasmeen's face kan ygi6 alwan...
It was like it's her first time talking to a guy...

We went back to the shalaih and ate lunch with the girls...
It was 8:00 pm...

Me: "Agoul trou7on trkboun rhino?"
Yasmeen: "Ana mali khilg ta3bana"
Shahad: "Me too"
Dalal: "Emshay Razan ana arkab wyach"
Me: "Yallah"

Dalal and i set the rhino to drive...
I was h driver and Dalal sat behind me...
It was getting dark and we couldn't see well...

We crashed!!...
The last thing i heard was Dalal's voice screaming my name...

I woke up and found myself in a room not mine...
Most likely it i was in a hospital surrounded by friends and Zaid...
Yes Zaid!...
Millions of questions was going inside my head, but i couldn't speak...

Zaid's eyes were red and wet...

Was he crying?...
Why is he here?...
How did he know?...

I really didn't find the answers yet...

To be continued....

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