Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chapter 6

I'm really happy posting for you guys;* I LOVE YOU !

PS: Your comments makes my day :)

*Razan's point of view*

I woke up the next morning and did not find Zaid in my room...
I was scared...

I checked my blackberry and saw a bbm from Zaid...

Zaid Al-X...: Razan tra 6ala3t la2ana ahalch yaw.
Zaid Al-X...: PING!!!

I quickly typed...

Razan Al-X...: Shafok!!!

By the second i sent it, he answered...

Zaid Al-X...: La2 6ala3t from the back door
Razan Al-X...: Zaid wallah thank you without you madri shkan 9ayer feni al7een
Zaid Al-X...: Chub w 3an il3ayara ;p Yalla rou7ay trayegay ;*
Razan Al-X...: Inshallah :)

I left my room and went downstairs...
I saw my father and 7amani eating breakfast...

7amani: "Raazzaaaan! sh9ayer feech!"
Baba: "Salamat 7beebti shfech"
Me: "Allah ysalmik bs 6e7t bil rhino bshalaih Yasmeen"
7amani: "Salamatt w shlunich al7een!"
Me: "7mdella a7san w baba abi marathya i can't go to school like this"
Baba: "Ee inshallah bacher arou7 akhethlich marathya"
7amani: "Ta3alay ge3day, fe shay y3awrich? Tabeen may? Tabeen akel? Ana mama ana baba ana Marry ana kl shay bs enty la ta3been nafsich"
Me: "Haw 7amani shfek agdar arou7 ayebli"
7amani: "La2!" he screamed "enty elyoum mara7 tet7arkain mn hal 8anafa fahma?"

My dad just stood there laughing at how crazy 7amani was...

7amani is an amazing brother, he really knows how to make you smile when your sad...!
I love him <3...

Me: "Mabi meta ma abi agoulik"
7amani: "Okay" he laughed

It was 8pm...
I was getting bored, so i called Dalal and started chatting with her...

Dalal: "Razan ta3alay namay 3ndna"
Me: "Lamam yshelon el jibs"
Dalal: "Yallah 3ad la t9ereen sakheefa"
Me: "Chub w ba3dain-"

I was interrupted by the door knocking...

Me: "Akalmich ba3dain Dilly yallah bye"

I hung up and opened the door...

Me: "Halla yuba"
Dad: "Halla Razan shlunich"
Me: "Zaina"
Dad: "Enzzain mumkin tg3deen bakalmich bmaw'9oo3"

My heart stepped a beat when he said that...

Maw'9oo3 shnu?..
Ana ma sawait shay!...

Me: "Khair yuba feek shay"
Dad: "La2 ya bnayti ma feni shay bs ana... Ana ya3ni ba'3ait akheth rayich bsha'3la"
Me: "Tfa'6al yuba goul"
Dad: "Ana nawy atzawaj"

What the hell!!!...
Kellish ma twa8a3at ena begoul chethi...

I was beyond shocked...
I looked at the ground, i didn't know what to say or how to react...

How could he?!!!...
Shlon galba y6aw3a yetzawaj 3ala omy!...

I was going to cry, but i hid it, i knew it won't make a difference if i cried or no...

Me: "Y-yuba madri shagoulik"
Dad: "Hathi el dnya ya bnayti, la tz3leen mni bs el mara khosh mara w mara7 t2atheekum"
Me: "W mnu hathi yuba?"

I really wanted to know...

Aaaakkkhhh bs lo ashofha wallah adoos b ba6enhaa!!! ;@...

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