Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chapter 5

This chapter is dedicated to @yasmeena_16 for her support to me ;**

Millions of thoughts was going inside my head...

Was he crying?..
Why is he here?...
How did he know?...

Dalal ma kan feeha shay il7mdella...
She went with the girls to bring for us some drinks...

Me: "Z-zaid"

Zaid looked at me for a second and then faced the wall...

Me: "Z-zaid" i repeated

He came closer to me and sat on the bed i was laying on...
He held my hand tightly...

Zaid: "Laish tsaween chethi Razan"

I kept quiet...
I didn't know what to say...

Me: "Zaid enta shlon yeet hni"
Zaid: "Wa7da mn rfejatich yat shalaih rfeji w galat ena sawaitaw 7adeth fa re7na ana wya wla ashoufich 6ay7a w knty ga3da tanzfen wayed, gelna 7g say8ich ywadena el mostashfa w al7een il7mdella ma fecch ila il3afya"
Me: "Mashkoor wayed" i smiled
Zaid: "El 3afu"
Me: "W rfejik esma 6alal?"
Zaid: "Ee shdarrach!"
Me: "Kena ana w Yasmeen rfejti b Mac..." i explained to him everything what happened
Zaid: "Aha ok"

After 2 days of me staying in the hospital i finally got out feeling better...
I went back home with Zaid...
Baba and 7amani were not at home...
I called 7amani...





7amani: "Aloo?"
Me: "Aloo halla 7amani wainkum"
7amani: "Ana 6ali3 wya rab3y w obouy bil dwanya laish entay wainich"
Me: "Ana bl bait rdet mbacher 3ashan adres shwy"
7amani: "Ok"
Me: "Enzain meta btred?"
7amani: "Madri wallah"
Me: "Ok khala9 bye"

I hung up and entered the house...
I tried to walk on the stairs, but i failed...
I fell down...
Zaid came towards me running...

Zaid: "Raazaan! ta3awrtay laish ma tan6reni ya3ni" he helped me to walk on the stairs
Zaid: "Shakla it will take forever for you to go up"
Me: "Ya3ni enta mu shayef shnu 7a6een breli!"
Zaid: "Tmaskay 3adel ok?"
Me: "Laish!!"

Zaid shalni so we could arrive faster to my room...

Me: "Zaaaaid nazelni al7een!!"
Zaid: "Chub"
Me: "Zaaidoo wallah mu ga3da at'3ashmar nazelni"
Zaid: "Hatha yzay lo enty ga3da tamshen chan lail7een ma wi9alna"

We laughed...
Zaid was going to leave the room till i asked him...

Me: "Wain ray7!"
Zaid: "Shfech ma taben a'3ra'6ich"
Me: "Embala bs 3abali btrou7 baitkum"
Zaid: "La2 bayeeb a'3ra'6ich ba3dain barou7 el bait laish ba'3aitay shay?"
Me: "La2 la trou7"

He came closer to me and sat on my bed...

Zaid: "Laish Razan fech shay la tkhar3eni goulay"
Me: "Emmm.. Ee ryoli w rasi y3awrouni"

I lied...
I didn't want to sit alone at home...

Zaid: "Khala9 mara7 arou7 el bait bs bayeeb jan6etich w ag3ad 3ndch ok?"
Me: "Ok"

He went downstairs to bring the things...
I waited for him...
He came...

Me: "Akheeran yeet"
Zaid: "Chub 3ad chub la t9ereen daloo3a"
Me: "Ychebik"

We teased eachother untill we got bored...
We watched movies...

Me: "Zaid ana banam dekht *yawn*"
Zaid: "Yallah namay"

I stared at his sparkling brown eyes for a moment and then covered myself with the blanket and slept...

*Zaid's point of view*

I stayed with her the whole night...
I couldn't leave her...

Agoulaha al7een eni a7ibha wla la2?...

La2 ana lazem agoulaha ma agdar an6er akthar mn chethi...

I was just about to burst out the word 'A7ibech', but she said that she wanted to sleep...

Yl3an om el 7a'6 enzaain...

I saw her sleping...
She looked cute...
I went closer to her and whispered in her ears 'A7ibech laish ma tefhmeen'...
I really wished she would get up and answer me, but she didn't...

It was 1:00 am...

I heard the door opened...
I took a peak from upstairs and saw Razan's father and brother...
I was scared i didn't know what to do...
I quickly took my stuff and and got out of the house from the back door...

To be continued...

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