Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Chapter 45 - Finale

It's the last chapter!

I hope you enjoyed the story as much i did!
9j ena kan fe chapters bl'39b ktbt'hum bas 3shankum;p

I want to thank every single person who read my blog, gave me his opinion about the chapter, and kept with me throughout it all..
You are the best thing ever jad thankyou<3.

To reveal or not to? ask.fm/KuwaitBlogs

Enjoy it!

9j ena 7mad m3a elayam 9ar ma ysoulef wla ys2al wkila msh'3oul..
W his excuse? 'Akher sna lazm ashid 7aile'

I understood his sitiuation and did everything he wanted..

Rawan: Msh'3oul?
7mad: B3d shwy byeli mudars bas 3adi soulfay 3la ma eyi
Rawan: Madre shgoul;p
7mad: 3adi adg 3laich?
Rawan: Eeh

By seconds..
Incoming call, H<3

Rawan: "Aloo?"
7mad: "Ahlan"
Rawan: "Hala feek"
7mad: "Shlounich?"
Rawan: "Tmam"
7mad: "Hala bl9out ely yrd elrou7"
Rawan: "Hala feek" i giggled
7mad: "Shtswen"
Rawan: "Asma3 a'3ani"
7mad: "Shtsm3en"
Rawan: "Justin"
7mad: "Ahaaaaa" md el'aha' =))
Rawan: "Shnu" i giggled
7mad: "Mashi mashi tsm3en a'3ani hlbnaya ha"
Rawan: "7adik 3ad" i teased him
7mad: "7adik b3d ha? Mal bousa 3la khadich"
Rawan: "3bali btgoul buks"
7mad: "La bousa wela tadren shloun? A6gich b3dain abousich"
Rawan: "Laish 3ad bous bdoun ma t6g"
7mad: "La 3shan lma a6gich ashoufich che taksren kha6re b3dain abousich"
Rawan: "Okay" i laughed
7mad: "Rawon khal ntkhyal"
Rawan: "Ntkhyal shnu"
7mad: "Awal youm 3rsna"
Rawan: "La la" i laughed

He meant something else..
Kinda dirty minded=))..

7mad: "Laish" he giggled
Rawan: "Bas adre shnu tafkerik"
7mad: "Enzain shnu ya3ni khou khal chthe chthe ra7 y9er"
Rawan: "La mabi"
7mad: "Ma tbena y9er? Ya3ni matbeni atzwjich? Ok"
Rawan: "La hey mu qa9di chthe bas qa9di mabi atkhyal"
7mad: "Mu kaifch enzain khla9 ma atklam 3an shsma" he giggled
Rawan: "Shnu shsma"
7mad: "Ely eb balich bas ntkhyal chthe jdam elnas shra7 y9er"
Rawan: "Okay" i giggled
7mad: "Ana tadren shra7 aswe?"
Rawan: "Shnu?"
7mad: "Awal ma ougaf 3nd elbab gabl la adsh arfa3 dshdashti waf9akh elbsht wadshlich rakth akhthich w boooom 3la 6oul elfndq"

I laughed=))
Told you dirty minded=))

Rawan: "Hey hey" i laughed
7mad: "Shnu shfech?"
Rawan: "Shnu tyeli rakth takhethni wtrou7?"
7mad: "Eeh shfech magdar a9br 3la-"
Rawan: "7maad!!" i interrupted him
7mad: "Asef asef" he laughed
Rawan: "Wtgoul ma ra7 ttklam 3an hlshay ha"
7mad: "Akhh mta hlyoum"
Rawan: "Na6ra ya3ni"
7mad: "3la nar wlk entay bas khla9y thanwy qasmn bellah byoum tkharjich mkalim ahlich ana"
Rawan: "La oula shnu lma akhali9 jam3a"
7mad: "Shnu shnu shnu? ma sma3t" he did hear bas yst3b6
Rawan: "lma akhali9 jam3a"
7mad: "Agoul chub gal lma akhali9 jam3a gal"
Rawan: "Eeh b3d shnu"
7mad: "Tyabneni entay? Etha ana al7en madre shloun mt7amel mu 24 sa3a mjabl wayhich kaifch 3ad gtlich byoum tkharjich"
Rawan: "Allah karem lai b3dain taw elnas"
7mad: "Eeh agoulich ya3ni"
7mad: "Yallah rawon chna elmudars ya bas ykhali9 aklmich"
Rawan: "Okay"
7mad: "A7ibch"
Rawan: "Amout feek"

I hung up..

I waited for him bas 6ab3an he totally forgot about me..

I started to think, could these "romantic" side of him is fake to me?
Youm y7ebni w youm ma ywa6eni?

2 days later...

I was checking 7mad's questions+answer on ask.fm

There was a question that caught my attention which he answered 3 days ago..

Question: 7-7-... ;'(<3
Answer: Mshtag 7ag hlyoum bas ma bedi 7ela;(

Wtf 7mad?

Was i just a joke to you?

I kik-ed him..

Rawan: 7-7-... ?
7mad: Shnu
Rawan: Jwabik eb ask
7mad: Bdoun chthb? Knt akalim w7da wkan awal youm nkalim feh b3th 7-7 bas mnzman flaina mabi achathb 3laich etha mu m9dga 3endi dalel eni flait

I was extemely shocked.

Rawan: M9adga
7mad: Nafseti t3bt bas taben klam 9j? Tra m7d ystahel 7ub hlayam
Rawan: Mu elkil nafs'ha
7mad: Adre bas hl e7na mktouben 7ag b3th? Mabi a7ab6ich bas ana ga3d atklam bkil 9ara7a


Wain 7mad ely kila ytkhyal w y7in yabi ntzwaj?

7mad: lai mta bg3ad achathb wat'harab wal3ab 3la bnt galbha abyath khla9 mlait wana aklim nafseti t3bt rawan tabeni friend ana ma3endi mshkla bas 7ub asef ana nou3i etha 7bait a7b mn galb wana mu mst3d a7ib ward afil wakser galbi jrabt'ha m3ach w m3aha w mu mst3d ajrbha thalth mara la2ana el7ub mu '3shmara
7mad: 7ta ely klmt'ha khanatni m3a wa7d wgtlha allah yhnech m3ah la2ana a7ib ely a7ba ykoun mstans
Rawan: Knt t7bha wayed?
7mad: Eeh

I shed a tear..

Wai3 mn wain y6l3oun hathoul;(

7mad: Mu 3balich ana ma7ibch rawan tra entay must7el t6l3en mn galbi bas mu mst3d akhlech t7beni akthar akher shay nftrg mabi akhlech mtansa b3dain t2aysen mara wa7da
7mad: Brb ana blshalaih al7en

The only thing i could say was 'Tyt'

Why does this keep happening to me?

Kl ma aba6el bab wya 7mad yrd yt9akar?

I think we're just not meant to be together.

I was glad though.

I was glad he ended this now better than later..

He deleted me snapchat, blocked me whatsapp, did everything i never thought he would do.


I've been better now, my grades are really great somehow;p

My weight? Well, let me not talk about this=))

Love? Nobody will ever take 7mad's place.

What i noticed my life is hate more than it is love..

My friends were a huge part of me, they've been there for me through this all & i'm so blessed to have such people like them.

My life is missing such an important part but it's going on..

7mad? سأكتفي بك حلما , فواقعك ليس لي.


THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Chapter 44

9ayra aswe post bser3a?=))

This chapter is dedicated to the stranger who always makes my day blask<3 thankyou wallah you don't know how much it means to me!
Allah y7fthich w ywansich mthl ma wansteni<3.


I'm gonna miss you guyss;(!

Etha tabouni aktb b3d story? ask.fm/KuwaitBlogs
Bas ra7 tkoun fiction (mu 9j)

Enjoyy x

I've tried talking to 7mad after what happened but he didn't give me a chance..
I realized that missing someone is harder than i thought how it would be.

Rawan: "Umbay wallah agoulich f9alna a7la shay ena m7ad y3arfich tgoulen ely btgoulena"
Layan: "Khal nsawe?"
Rawan: "Wallah?"
Layan: "Eeh wallah"
Rawan: "Ana 3endi wa7d entay lma tou9len elbait sawelich wa7d w gouleli"
Layan: "Okay"

We were planning on creating a fake accounts for fun=))

I returned back home..

Dad: "Rawan btyen m3ay elnadi elyoum?" he asked
Rawan: "La baba maly khilg elyoum" i replied
Dad: "Daf3 flous 7ag shnu ana 3yl?"
Rawan: "Okay sh9ar etha youm wa7d ma re7t?"
Dad: "Kaifch"

I went to my room without eating lunch, i wasn't in the mood for lunch::

I did my homework, and by the time i finished i received a whatsapp message from Layan..

Layan: Swait
Rawan: Shsmich 3shan aswelich add
Layan: DalalAlx
Rawan: Okay;p

I signed out my personal kik account and entered the fake one
Added Layan and joined ourselves with some strangers, boys to be exact.

Tbh? M7ad 3a6ana wayh exept 1 bas ena it was so much fun=))!!

Layan: Add 7mad;p
Rawan: Mara7 y36ena wayh
Layan: 3adi bas chthe;p
Rawan: ok:)

And i did a group of us 3 with our fake accounts;D

DalalAlx: Hii;$

My fake account name was NouraAlx

NouraAlx: Hello;$ a7ib esmik 7mad;(
7madAlx: Shnu mnu shlsalfa

Layan: Rad rad!!
Rawan: Adre

It wasn't that fun to me that we did a group with 7mad but it somehow grew hope in me..

7mad left the conversation..

Layan: Haw laish 6ala3?
Rawan: Shdrani

I switched to kik..
Ma gdart at7mil b3d akthar..

NouraAlx: A7ibek
NouraAlx: I miss you wallah
NouraAlx: 7mad khal ntkalam shwy jad bas 5 dgayeg
7madAlx: Enty mnu? Noura wela shnu
NouraAlx: Ana mu noura
7madAlx: Mnu?
NouraAlx: Mabi agoul
7madAlx: Mu tgoulen khal ntklam jad goulay mnu yallah
NouraAlx: Mu qa9di lma gtlik che eni agoulik mnu ana bas b3arf sh'3la wamshi
7madAlx: Shtaben khal9eni bser3a
7madAlx: Btgoulen a7ibek wela la bgoulich la yallah m3a elsalama

Haw shfeh hatha?

NouraAlx: Enzain shfeek shaku? 3a6ni fur9a atkalam?
7madAlx: Yallah tkalemay
NouraAlx: Tkalim a7ad al7en? Bas hatha ely b3arfa
7madAlx: Entay shaku? Bye
NouraAlx: La2ani a7ibek:) bas elthaher maku fayda khla9 okay
7madAlx: Shnu a7ibek eldnya foutha?
NouraAlx: La eldnya mu foutha
7madAlx: Ya baba khl9eni goulay mnu entay la tnrfzeni
NouraAlx: Enta jaweb wallah agoulik
NouraAlx: Enzain agoulik bas tjaweb?
7madAlx: Eh
NouraAlx: Wallah lou ma a7ibek chan ma yetlik 3ugb madre shkither eh w ana rawan w mabi a3arf etha knt tkalim aw la asfa 3al ez3aj bye;*
7madAlx: Laish ma tgoulen mnzman enich rawan
RawanAlx: Madre cham mara ayelik agoulik 7mad mshtagtlik ya t9ekni block ya ta7ger


Jana's idea of not talking to 3li affected me, but i took from another somehow positive way..

Rawan: 7mad?
7mad: ?
Rawan: Asfa mu qa9di 3la elkalam ely glta 3adi tnsah?
7mad: La
Rawan: Nafsyah?
7mad: Kaife
Rawan: Aha
7mad: Taben shay?
Rawan: Eeh
7mad: Shtaben
Rawan: Abeek tkalemni nafs elnas
7mad: Wana ga3d aklmich nafs el7ywanat?
Rawan: M7shoum
7mad: Enzain mshkoura khl9eni taben shay mu fathy
Rawan: La salamtik
7mad: Bye

Back to reality...

7madAlx: Khla9 asef al7en mra7 aswelich shay athbtay enich 9j 9j t7beni
RawanAlx: I miss you wayed 7mad wallah
7madAlx: Fdaitch wallah

Wai3 shnu fdaitch;'(=))!

7madAlx: Shlounich al7en?
RawanAlx: Tmam enta shlounik
7madAlx: Tmam
RawanAlx: 3sa
7madAlx: Weyach
RawanAlx: Ajma3en;p
7madAlx: Mdrsa 7kouma thanwy wela lel7en kha9a b3d?
RawanAlx: Kha9a;p
7madAlx: Eeh a9lan 3adi ana mgazerha operate;p

What does he mean when he said 'a9lan 3adi?'

RawanAlx: A9lan 3adi
7madAlx: 3ndkum operate;p? Ma 3ndkum
RawanAlx: La ma3endna-.-
7madAlx: W b3d wain trou7en wain tyeen kntay 24 sa3a 360 lel7en wela la?
RawanAlx: La waih mnzma mu ra7ya;p 9ayra kila ya shalaih aw avenues
7madAlx: 3shtaw shalaih b3d
RawanAlx: Eeh;p
7madAlx: Khla9 3yl ana barou7 agz mnak
RawanAlx: Cheni ma sheft
7madAlx: Kaaak wallah rawon lel7en t'3aren?
RawanAlx: Shrayik? enta bas goule enta shrayik?
7madAlx: Asef asef;p<3
RawanAlx: Tmoun;*

Tmoun wel bumba?=))
Qasmn bellah t'tha7k;D!! Wallah ena dami khafef;p

7madAlx: Barou7 bagz btsans bthab6 rawan bag3ad asoulef m3aha shway
RawanAlx: Eeh a3arfha 3ad 9ayra ma t36e wayh klish
7madAlx: Ahaaa ya3ni thgela
RawanAlx: Blthab6
7madAlx: Bas ygoloun t7b 7mad 9j?
RawanAlx: Tmout feh
7madAlx: 3yl tsawe ay shay bkha6rah 9a7?
RawanAlx: Yemkin
7madAlx: Afa laish yemkin
RawanAlx: Ohwa shnu bkha6ra
7madAlx: Bkha6re ashoufich wag3ad asoulef m3ach
RawanAlx: Enshallah ashouf
7madAlx: 9j?
RawanAlx: Eeh;p
7madAlx: Obouy;*

7mdellah ma gal fdaitch=))

I switched to whatsapp..

Rawan: I LOVE YOOOUUUU!!!!!!
Layan: Moreee;D<3
Rawan: We're back together thanks to you a7ibch wallah
Layan: Aww your welcome 7abebe;**

I was extremely happy!
Full happiness=))

I spent the day talking to him till i fell asleep..


The next day arrived, and they day after, and the day after...
And by each day that comes, 7mad loses interest..

But the question is: Where did i go wrong?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Chapter 43

I'm trying to post as much as i can;p

Twitter: @BlogKuwaiti_
askfm: ask.fm/KuwaitBlogs
Kik: KuwaitBlogger_

Enjoy this chapter folks!

After two weeks or so, my life got better..
I accepted the fact that Meshari will no longer come back..

My life at school got so much better, i'm lifting my grades up and that's actually making my parents happy.

At school-

Jana, jude, and I were at break chatting..

Jana: "Hdait 3li"

Ali is Jana's oxygen, but she keeps on denying it.
They've known each other for long but it just didn't work out between them despite that both of them can't live without each other.

Rawan: "Mu shay ydeed, bacher trdela 3adi kila chthe tswoun"
Jana: "La hal mara 9j"
Jude: "Laish hdaiteh?"
Jana: "Umbay sheftay accounta eb twitter? Matrous matrous bnat w b3dain ohwa bytkharaj w berou7 jam3a w ra7 yakhth laisan fa akeed ra7 yshouf malyoun bnt"

Tgdroun tgoloun ena klamha athar feni shwy?
7mad is the same issue..

Rawan: "7ta 7mad chthe"
Jana: "Wallah etha ohwa 9j ybeni khal ykalim obouy mabi a3athb nafse lai b3dain whwa mn al7en chthe jad ybeni khal yan6erni lma akhali9 derastni w eyi ykh6ebni"
Jana: "7mad mta ra7 yakhth laisan?"
Rawan: "Shahar 7"
Jana: "Eeh ma buga shay w bedsh jam3a w akeed beshouf bnat fakray feha wallah a7sanlich"

I decided to think about it when i go home..
9a7 klamha, it was logical..

Time seemed endless..
Finally? It is 2:30 pm..

I returned back home, ate lunch, did my homework, and kept staring at 7mad's picture that i saved and thinking..

Should i do what jana said and end this before i have more pain?

But i'll miss him badly..

But i'm doing what's best for both of us..

I found myself typing "7mad it's over baina" unconciously..

By a second he replied..

7mad: Shqa9dich?
Rawan: Ya3ni bas bafil

He read but ignored..

Incoming call, H<3
Which is what i named him in my phone::

Rawan: "Aloo?"
Rawan: "Shfeek t9arekh"
Rawan: "3adi t'hda shwy?"
7mad: "Shnu ahda rawan, entay mstw3ba shga3 tgoulen? Taben t'thb7eni? Maly '3airch ana! A7ibch wsharafi shnu bafil mu bkaifch trou7en wtkhleni" his voice was shaky
Rawan: "Allah y36ek 6oulat el3umer enshallah, eh mstw3ba 7mad enta bttkharaj w7yatik ra7 tt'3yar w-"
7mad: "Entay 7yati etha bt'3yar ra7 at'3yar 3al elkil ela 3laich! Rawan entay mu mstw3ba shkither a7ibch wallah '3latich mu shwya bgalbi"

I kept quiet, i tried my best not to cry

Rawan: "I'm sorry 7mad bas magdar akamil. A7ibek wallah. Bye"

I hung up..
Or should i say "sdaita bwayha"

And offcoarse,
I have nothing but my tears to come down if i wasn't able to speak.

I recieved a kik message from him..

7mad: Ana asef eni 9rakht 3laich, goulay 7ag Layan khal tgoulich ana shgtlha lma knt m3ach blcinema;* bye.

I whatsapp-ed Layan & told her that it was over..

Layan: Ya3ni ana bas '3bt youm wa7d chthe y9eer?
Layan: Rawon tra walla y7ibch la tqarnen 3li eb 7mad oula farg
Layan: Shgal lma gltela
Rawan: 3a9ab w 9outa kan chna shwy wyabche
Layan: Shoufay wallah y7ibch la tkhlena
Rawan: Magdar layan it's for the best i know
Layan: Waaaay;'(!!

The next day at school i rushed to Layan wanting to know what did 7mad told her..

Rawan: "T3alay t3alay 7mad galy gouleli shgalich lma knt m3ah blcinema"
Layan: "Akeed ohwa gal chthe?"
Rawan: "Eeh wallah"

Layan's point of view...


I was sitting in the living room like any other boring day..

My phone started to click and i recieved a whatsapp from rawan saying she was with 7mad..
I get too attached&touched about love sitiuations so i was really happy..

Ma w3ait ela someone was talking weirdly to me from rawan's phone..

Layan: Rawaaaan;'(
Rawan: Haaa;(
Layan: Waay shfech agoulich mnarfzatnii

Then suddenly..

7mad: Gwa mnu mnarfzich?
Layan: Rawan aw 7mad al7en?
7mad: Yhmich?
Layan: Madre 3a6ni rawan
7mad: Shnu btgoulelha? Tbenha t9awer haa;D maku
Layan: Rawanooo=))
7mad: Wallah ana 7mad mu rawan
Layan: Adre bas 3a6ni rawan
7mad: goulay a7ibek awal;)
7mad: La la ath7ak ath7ak
Layan: Rawano entay mayta bacher:)

Like 5 minutes later..

Rawan: Laish;( wallah ohwa ga3d ys7ab talfoni ana maly sh'3l;(
Layan: Graity foug?
Rawan: Maku msa7 laish shgalich

I captured & sent it to her..

Rawan: Mstansa 7athrtch
Layan: Chub y7mara;D
Rawan: :)
Layan: Enzain yallah bye hug him!;D
Rawan: Mabi ga3da aswe nafse z3lana
Layan: Oula laish
Rawan: Shftay shgaylich?
Layan: W ana 3bali bt'th7ken w tt6nzain-.- Enzain khal ohwa ylmich
Rawan: Mabi alma wla ylemni wla shay
Layan: Enzain yallah rou7ay
Rawan: Mabi:)
Layan: Aked entay rawan-.-?
Rawan: Eeh wallah=))

7mad: Shfech entay laish tgoulelha
Layan: Shaku tt3bath eb phone rawan?
7mad: Hala 7yate zojha w kaife
Layan: Zojha neymar wt7ba
7mad: 7abha bur9
7mad: Layan entay t3rfen rawan 3adl?
Layan: Madre
7mad: bas2lich as2la 3an rawan law sm7tay
Layan: Ma sma7t:) etha ehya rathya ok;p
7mad: Tgoul ok
Layan: Dz voice note awal
7mad: 3balich yahl ana? enzain sm3ay abech tjawben b9ra7a ehya tkalim a7ad '3aire?
Layan: La-.-
7mad: 3yl mnu hatha meshari? Shfta blkik bas ma knt abe agoulha aw athlmha abe a3arf awal
Layan: Wa7d y9erlha
7mad: Gaylha rawon wedi ayi youm elsabt 3endkum wain yrou7?
Layan: Zwara

It was actually the bazaar-.-

7mad: Wshaku chthe gaylha fe bainhum shay?
Layan: La shaku
7mad: La2ana jad '3athni shybe mkalmha? Fe wa7d 7mar y'3ar wy7bha tra khal yakl tbn
7mad: Enzain laish matbe t'thl m3ay?
Layan: La2ana matbe a7ad yshk feha nafs omha aw obouha
7mad: Ba6lib 6alab
Layan: ?
7mad: La tklmeni bnfsya la ahf rasich bl6oufa

Mom: "Layaan t3alay shway"

I left my phone & went to see what my mom wants..

7mad: La ta7greeeen!!
Layan: Omi nadatni sorry;D
7mad: La 3ade aham shay omich:) 7lwa omich? La hey shfek 7mad! Asef asef
Layan: W matbeni aklmik eb nfsya?:)
7mad: Bas ba6lib mnich enich tderen balich 3la rawan ysh'had allah eni a7bha wetha ktab allah ra7 tkoun murti allah ykhlech layan entay m3aha 24 sa3a tkfain 76ay balich 3laiha wallah etha 9ar lha shay mra7 tlgaine bhathe eldnya wallah a7bha wayed
7mad: w bas mshkoura w amana la tgoulelha 3an shay wla 7ta 3an meshari
Layan: Enshallah
7mad: Yallah 7yate bye<3
7mad: Laa ath7ak wallah=)) hach rawon

Rawan's point of view...

Back to reality..

Rawan: "Yallah 3a6eni bagra"
Layan: "Enzain ana a36ech ya wenty rou7ay el7mam shoufeh"
Rawan: "Okay"

I took it and rushed to the bathroom..
I started reading..

And with every part i shed a tear..

7mad isn't just an ordinary guy..
He's different i swear..

I locked layan's phone, washed my face, took a deep breath, and returned to class..

I stepped in the class and hugged Layan..
Started crying..

Abdulrazaq: "Entaw fagden 7anan wallah t3alw lmouni enzain"

Abdulrazaq is jana's and jenan's twin..

Layan: "Chub"

I calmed down, let go of layan, and continued my day..

Did 7mad mean every single word he said to Layan?

Wela bas klam?

But who knows..
Yemkin khera;p..


Friday, April 18, 2014

Chapter 42

You know what's the most beautiful thing in this world? Read the first word again.

الطيبون للطيبات والخبيثون للخبيثات 'just saying'

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who's reading this;*

Enjoy chapter 42!

March 2014...

Nobody got into my life except 7mad.
Nobody filled me with happiness except 7mad.

I had extreme regret of what i've done in the past..
They say that the past is the past, but do you think someone with these sins can get over it?

A lot happened in March 2014...

And especially that day which made me regret everything i've done to a person who had some feelings towards me..

3balkum 7mad 9a7?

But no.
It is not 7mad.

I came back from school as usual and did my every day routine..

I sat in the living room which i saw my dad just entered the house..

I kissed his forehead and starting checking twitter..

Dad: "Rawan" he called me
Rawan: "Hala yuba"
Dad: "Naday khwanich w t3aly shway"
Rawan: "Enshallah"

Rawan: "Khaloud a7mad emshaw baba yabena"
Khaled: "Laish"
Rawan: "Shdrani emsh khanshouf"

We went to his room waiting for him  to speak..

Dad: "Meshari weld baba 3li twafa"

It felt strange
I couldn't believe it

is this a dream?

I froze in my place recalling what my father said

Khaled: "Shloun!"
Dad: "7adeth"

I wanted to cry, but i held myself infront of my parents

Rawan: "Allah yr7ma"

I took my phone and went to the bathroom..
I started crying hysterically..

I wanted him just for one moment
I just want to say i'm sorry for what have i done to him

I barely unlocked my phone and whatsapp-ed 7mood (his elder brother)

Rawan: 7mood!
7mood: Hala
Rawan: Wain meshari!
7mood: 36ach 3umra

I cried even more
I couldn't accept the fact that he's dead

Rawan: La tchathb yallah 3ad waina
7mood: Rawan
Rawan: Hala
7mood: Abi meshari rawan m7taja
Rawan: Eeh waina
7mood: Blthlaja
Rawan: Lool sheswy blthlaja you3an?

I wiped my tears and starting laughing..
Ely yshoufni ygoul w7da sakrana, it was just unbelievable..

7mood: Ed3ela m7taj eldu3aa ohwa

He brought me back to reality..
I really wanted Meshari at this moment..
But its too late now..

Dad: "Rawan 6l3ay mn el7mam mu zain tabchen dakhil"

I unlocked the bathroom door..

Rawan: "Baba shloun mat"
Dad: "D3mta syara whwa blshalaih"
Rawan: "Ohwa shaku ray7 shalaih" i cried a river

Will my father think wrong?

Ena maybe i used to have some feelings towards meshari?

Dad: "Ma3laih rawan bas ed3ela"
Rawan: "Baba mabi adawim bacher barou7 elmagbra"
Dad: "May9er drastich rou7ay el3za lma terj3en mn elmdrsa"
Rawan: "Mabi abi arou7 elmagbra allah ykhlek baba" i hugged him

I really needed a hug..
Someone to calm me down..

I wasn't crying because i loved him..
I was crying because i'm regretful, of how i treated him..
And with a blink of an eye he is gone..


I woke up early next morning, or should i say i couldn't sleep well?

Rawan: "Mama ma3endi 3baya"
Mom: "Shloun ma3endich"
Rawan: "Wallah ma3endi"
Mom: "May9er trou7en bdoun 3baya"
Rawan: "Laish 7ram?"
Mom: "La bas e7tram ya3ni"
Rawan: "Enzain ma3endi shswy"
Mom: "La trou7en elmgbra m3a obouch 3yl"
Rawan: "Ohwa waina baba?"
Mom: "Ra7 ywade khwanich elmdrsa wbye byakhthch w 3la 6oul by6la3"
Rawan: "Enzain shalbs al7en"
Mom: "Mu lazm trou7en rawan"
Rawan: "Mabi barou7" i had tears..
Mom: "Madre dgay 3la obouch shoufeh"

I called him..

Rawan: "Aloo baba ma3endi 3baya 3adi lou lbast ban6roun aswad w bloza soda?"
Dad: "Klish wla 3baya 3endich?"
Rawan: "Ma3endi wallah"
Dad: "Yallah ok ma3laih lbsay ay shay aswad tra ana yay bser3a rawoon okay?"
Rawan: "Enshallah"

I wore my clothes and sat reading quran..

I've never had someone that close to pass away, so i've never thought of the pain others have.
I realized that life is nothing but an experience.

I miss meshari & I just want to see his face one more time, to have it pictured in my mind.

Incoming call, Baba

Rawan: "Aloo?"
Dad: "Yallah rawan ana barra"
Rawan: "Okay"

I hung up and told my mom that i'm going with my father..

Rawan: "Salam" i kissed his forehead
Dad: "3laikum elsalam"

And off to magbra we go..

My heart started beating fast when we got closer..

Dad: "Mashallah"
Rawan: "Shnu"
Dad: "Shoufay shkither nas yayela mashallah"

I smiled as tears approached my cheeks

Laitek tshouf sa3adat elmanthar ya meshari..
Elnas kilha yaya tad3elik..

Dad: "Yallah rawan basich bachi 7bebti wnzlay"

I wiped my tears, held my fathers hand, and went to where the crowd was..

Kl elnas kanat tabche..
Elkil kan ga3d yad3e..
Awal mara b7yate ashouf hal manthar..

Rawan: "Baba dfnouh?"
Dad: "La ga3d dakhel ga3d y'3slouna ana badsh ashoufa btyen?"
Rawan: "Eeeh!"
Dad: "Yallah emshay"

I started thinking as i walked..
I can hear their screams from inside..

Rawan: "Baba mabi"
Dad: "A7sanlich adre mara7 tst7mlain khla9 ougfay mni"

7mood caught my attention..
He wasn't the 7mood i know..

He was crying and crying and crying

I walked slowly towards him..

Rawan: "Allah yer7ma" i cried with him
7mood: "Abeeh rawan" he cried like a baby

Meshari was his friend, his brother, his everything..

Rawan: "Klna ra7 namshi bhal 6reej"
7mood: *crying*
Rawan: "Goum m3ay"
7mood: "Wain"
Rawan: "Emsh '3asel wayhik"
7mood: "Maly khilg b3dain" he wiped his tears
Rawan: "Emsh 7mood"

He got up and went to wash his face..
It was like he was my baby and i was his mother-.-
But don't blame him..
His life is gone..

7mood: "Ka chthe zain"
Rawan: "Eeh" i half smiled
7mood: "B3dain enty laish mu blmdrsa?"
Rawan: "Ma kan ley mzaj adawim"
7mood: "3shan meshari?"

I nodded

Rawan: "Ohwa waina"
7mood: "Y'3slouna"
Rawan: "Wenta laish ma re7t m3ahum"
7mood: "6ale3ouni"
Rawan: "Haw laish"

He didn't respond

Rawan: "7mood"

He lifted his head to look at me

Rawan: "Meshari ensan 6ayeb la tnsah bldu3aa"
7mood: "Ra7 ashtagla rawoon" he started crying again..
Rawan: "Bas 7mood emsh al7en akeed yadfnona"
7mood: "Mabi ashoufhum yadfnona"
Rawan: "Okhouk hatha"

He kept quiet.

Rawan: "Emsh ana m3ak"

I held his hand and walked with him to where the crowd was..

There he is..
They are putting the sand all over him..

7mood lost control..
He cried his heart out..

I cried, his dad cried, his mother cried, everyone cried..
Like it's the end.

الى جنات الخلد...


Hey, i just wanted to say ena please ed3oula.
Once a day? Please.

jad madre shloun gdart aktib hal post..
thankyou to whoever been with me through this..

Tra nhayat kl ensan trab..
Do what you must do for God in this world..

L7ad yshel ham 3la a7ad, be togther forever..

Wely ythaygik? Sam7a..
Tra eldnya tsamu7..



Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Chapter 41

Ma buga shay wtkhali9 elq9aa;(

I'll try posting as much as i can xx



Dad: "Rawaan!!"
         "Elsa3a 12 goumay basich noum!!"
Rawan: "Elsa3a 12?" I got up surprisingly
Dad: "Eeh"
Rawan: "Baba laish ma ga3adtne mbacher getlik barou7!!"
Dad: "Mn elsa3a 10 wana aga3dich rawan"

I got up from bed directly to the bathroom, i took a quick shower and got dressed..

I checked my phone, it was 1pm..

I quickly dryed my hair and let it down to be naturally wavy;p

After i finished, i called aisha..

Aisha: "Hala rawoon?"
Rawan: "Ha 3wash wainkum?"
Aisha: "5 dgayeg w 6l3ay"
Rawan: "M3ach foz 9a7?"
Aisha: "Eeh 3yl mnu ely ysoug ballah"
Rawan: "Enzain ok yallah bye"

I hung up and went to the kitchen to eat something..
I took chips and started eating..

Incoming call, 3wash..

Rawan: "Aloo?"
Aisha: "Yallah wainch 6l3ay"
Rawan: "Yallah ok dgega"

I hung up, took 20 kd from my dad just incase, and off to 360 with my 2 besties;p

Aisha: "7mad mnak?"
Rawan: "Madre ma kalamta umbay tadren ana mta ga3da?"
Aisha: "Mta"
Rawan: "Elsa3a 12!"
Aisha: "Eeh"

I entered kik and sent 7mad a message..

Rawan: 7mad?

He quickly replied..

7mad: Hala wallah
Rawan: Wainek?
7mad: Na6rich
Rawan: Oula mta we9alt
7mad: Mnzman mwjoud mn elsa3a 12
Rawan: Lool ana 12 g3adt;D
7mad: 9a7 elnoum;*
Rawan: 9a7 bdnik;p
7mad: Yallah wainch?
Rawan: Bl6reej;p
7mad: Na6ir 3la nar;p
Rawan: Looool maynon;p
7mad: Feech wallah;(<3
Rawan: Ya b3adhum;*

I started having these butterflies in my stomach again..
I don't know why!!
But i kind of liked it;p

We arrived to 360 and something happened to me again..

Foz: "Nzlay shfech yallah"
Rawan: "Mabi"
Aisha: "Haw shfeech?"
Rawan: "Madre bas a7is mabi ashoufah'
Foz: "Agoul mkhltyni a6g 6rej akher shay ma taben?"
Rawan: "Knt abii wallah bas al7en madre sh9ar tkfa 3adi trden?"
Aisha: "Laa rawan!!"
Rawan: "3wash wallah mabi"
Aisha: "Tra wallah hatha khouf bas awal shay 3adi b3dain lma tg3den m3ah wallah ra7 y9er elwth3 3adi"

I got out from the car and sent a message to 7mad..

Rawan: Tra we9alt
Rawan: Oula shway shway
7mad: Wainch wainch!!
Rawan: Bsmellah tawni dasha enta ely wainek
7mad: T3alay foug 9oub elm6a3m
Rawan: Okay;p

We made our way to the food court and that's when i saw a crazy guy running towards me which made aisha & foz disappear=))

7mad: "Gwa" he said with a huge smile
Rawan: "Allah ygweek" i smiled

His eyes? Were a whole new story.
His voice? Was a whole new story.
His smile? Was a whole new story.
Him? Is MY whole new story.

7mad: "Shlounich?"
Rawan: "7mdellah bkhair"
7mad: "7mdellah"

Some awkward moments of silence..

7mad: "Ana 7mdellah zain"

Wtf is wrong with u rawan?

Can't you at least ask how are u 7bebe? I mean 7mad* ;p

Rawan: "Sorry shlounik"
7mad: "Hh 3ugb shnu"
Rawan: "Nsait wallah"


7mad: "Shfech chethi mtwtra w mst7ya w 7altich 7ala?"
Rawan: "Mafeni shay shaku mst7ya"
7mad: "A7ibch"

I just stood there with a huge grin and tomato face.

7mad: "Yal 6oma6a wtgoulen mu mst7ya b3ad?"
Rawan: "Bas mu mst7ya" i was indeed;D
7mad: "Eeh embayen enzain yallah emshay elfilm byabdi"
Rawan: "Ay film 7ajz?"
7mad: "Ride Along"
Rawan: "Mnu feh?"
7mad: "Shdrani 7jazt w bas"

I laughed.

I was afraid but i tried my best to not show it.
It was my first time seeing a guy in public, i really hate it.

But as Aisha always says: "Lazm tshoufena b3ad shtswen"

We arrived to the gate and entered awal nas yemkin;p?
To be honest, i saw half of the movie only;D

Bn9 elfilm..

7mad: "Rawan 3a6eni talfounich"
Rawan: "Laish?"
7mad: "Bashouf sh'3la"
Rawan: "Shbtshouf"
7mad: "Sh'3la"
Rawan: "Eeh shnu ehya?"
7mad: "Bt36eni wela la?"

I took out my phone and gave it to him..
I kept my eyes on the screen..
He entered whatsapp, twitter, instagram, but not kik. I don't know why.

7mad: "Mshallah mnu hathoul?"

He was asking about our class whatsapp group which included boys..

Rawan: "Group 9afna"
7mad: "Shaku entay wyahum? Shaku dakhla m3a group kila 9byan?"
Rawan: "3shan ga3den nsawe yearbook" my voice was shaky, 7mad's voice was getting higher by each sentence
7mad: "Mmmm 7lw" he said sarcastically

He switched to twitter and unfollowed half of the boys i had.

I didn't say a word.
I liked his jelousy, i liked what he was doing.
I don't really care about who he unfollowed if he deleted the group i had on whatsapp, i just care about him.

7mad: "Ana barou7 7mam" he threw the phone on me and got up to the bathroom..

I did not see that coming, i was scared but i acted normal..

I sent Layan a message..

Rawan: "Guess who's next to me right now?"
Layan: "7maaaaad;o"
Layan: "Intaw bro7kum now?"
Rawan: "Kna, ra7 el7mam ohwa"
Layan: "You are with who?"
Rawan: "Him&3wash&foz"
Layan: "Hug him!! 3l asas he's ur bro=))"
Rawan: "Lool '3al6ana jdam elnas;D"
Layan: "Eeh your bro shfeech=))"
Rawan: "Ohwa mn shafni ya yarkth chna khbl;D"
Layan: "Kaaak 7lfaaaay=))"
Layan: "Lma we9alich shgal shswa?"
Rawan: "Salam b3dain g3adna ntmsha gal emshay nt'3da bas ana knt makla chips glt mabi=)) re7na g3dna eb la doure ohwa 6labla wana 6labtli strawberry's shoufeh 9wrta snapchat"
Layan: "Eeh shft"
Layan: "Ygdar yamshi now?"
Rawan: "Eeh 7mdellah bas ya3ni mu 3adl nafsna 3raftay w tra ohwa kan ga3d jedami ya3ni lou mraf3a elcamera shway chan bayan;p"
Layan: "Y7ywanaaaaaaa rf3ay wya wayhich-.-"
Rawan: "Yallah yallah byeee;D"
Layan: "Byyeeee;/"

7mad: "3a6eni talfonich"
Rawan: "Way bsmellah khara3tnii mta yait"
7mad: "Eeh mu hamich madre tsoulfen m3a mnu"

He took my phone not giving me any attention

Rawan: "7mad"
7mad: .....
Rawan: "7mad" i repeated
7mad: "Hmmmm" he gave me a death look
Rawan: "La t6ale3ni che"
7mad: "Rawon wallah lou ma7ibch w'3ar 3laich ma39b laish msawya follow 7ag 60 kalb btwitter la w group m3a 9byan b3ad whatsapp"
Rawan: "Elgroup wallah bas 3shan ga3den nsawe elyearbook wla shabi fehum ana"

He kept staring at me without saying a word..

Rawan: "7mad la tkhz che wallah sorry"
7mad: "Fe a7ad gable galich 3younich s7r?"
Rawan: "Ha?" i pretended i didn't hear la2ana jad madre shrid;D
7mad: "Mn gal ha sma3"

I giggled..
And there we are, like nothing happened<3

Rawan: "7mad enta 7ajz film 3shan 6oul elfilm tt3bath eb talfoni?"
7mad: "Taqreban"
Rawan: "Enzain enta 3a6ni talfonik"
7mad: "Mabi"
Rawan: "Laish"
7mad: "Bas shaku"

I kept quiet.
Shay y7z blkha6er wallah::

I left him checking what he wanted with my phone and watched the movie..

7mad: "Hach ana asef"
Rawan: "3adi tmoun"
7mad: "Fdaitch wallah"

Tbh? Tqethnii hal klmaaaaa;'(

I saw a message from Layan..

She sent a capture of a kinda famous person in kuwait (mabi agoul esma kaife;p) which a girl was talking disrespectfully to him..

Layan: Tstahbel hathi? if he's not one of them 3yl laish mswytla mention-.-?
Layan: Waaai3 mnarfzatnii rawano rday 3laiha 3fya
Layan: Tgoula ma s2altik enta s2alt elnas
Layan: 3yl laish mswytla mention???
Layan: Jad wai3

Ma w3ait ela someone grabbed my phone, 7mad akeed..

Rawan: "Bas dgega khal ashouf shfeha"

He ignored me..

I knew he was talking to her, but i don't know what did he talk to her about because deleted the chat, and i didn't bother myself to ask Layan what did they talk about.
I trust them both;*

The movie finished, so 7mad & I decided to walk around..
He got really crazy, he entered every store just to make fun..
I've never laughed like this a long time..
He's my day maker..
I love him,

It was getting late..

Incoming Call, Mama.

Rawan: "7mad oush hathi omi"
7mad: "Khalty kha6ib bntich ana" he yelled
Rawan: "Umbay 7mad oush" i laughed

Rawan: "Aloo?"
Mom: "Ha rawan wainkum"
Rawan: "360"
Mom: "Adre qa9di mta btrdoun?"
Rawan: "B3d shwy mama wallah khala9t klshay darast"

7mad was uttering "A7ibch"
I smiled and uttered "Ana b3d"

Mom: "Mu t6wloun rawan!"
Rawan: "Enshallah

I hung up..

Rawan: "Tdre lou sam3tik? Chan ana re7t feha"
7mad: "Shfeha om murti?"
Rawan: "Mafeha shay bas ts2al"
7mad: "Rawan"
Rawan: "Hala"
7mad: "Rawan"
Rawan: "Hala"
7mad: "En glty hala hlmara kasart rasich"
7mad: "Rawan"
Rawan: "3youn rawan"
7mad: "Yabouuy la ana che jad mat7mal!!"
Rawan: "Haw laish?" i laughed
7mad: "3younich s7r"
Rawan: "Ay s7r a3outhu bellah"
7mad: "Enty 7mara? Mu qa9di s7r shya6en w che s7r ya3ni madre shloun agoulich"
Rawan: "Adre fahmtik bas ast'3ba"

He giggled..
I died from his giggle;'(

7mad: "La7tha rawon fe shay 9oub rgubtich"

I rubbed my neck..

7mad: "Ma ra7"

I rubbed harder..

7mad: "Hhh ham ma ra7 3adi awakhra?"
Rawan: "Ok"

He went from my back and placed my hair on one side..
Tbh? 7saita bebous rgubtii bas la=))!!

He rubbed my neck softly..
I started to have goosebumps..
I liked it though..

Rawan: "Ra7?

He ignored me and gave me a hug from the back..

At that precise moment? Everything inside of me was dancing from happiness.
I've never had a feeling like that.
7mad is different

Rawan: "7mad mu jda-"
7mad: "Chub" he interrupted me

I kept quiet just waiting for him to let go..
I didn't want him to bas ya3ni 3ad mu jdam elnas::

Rawan: "7mad"
7mad: "Wai3 wai3 matkhlen elwa7d y3esh jawa"
Rawan: "Mu jdam elnas!"
7mad: "Emshay elsyara 3yl"
Rawan: "La mabi"
7mad: "Laish"
Rawan: "Bas"
7mad: "Tra mara7 aswe shay" he said it in a sarcastic way with a huge grin
Rawan: "Eeh eeh adre baree2 enta masken"
7mad: "Uuuuff wallah lou ma7ibch chan swaitch 6afayat zgayer"
Rawan: "Oula oula hal kither 7qd?" i laughed
7mad: "La at'3shmar maswe shay 7ag murti"
Rawan: "3adi as2lik su2al?"
7mad: "3youni lch"
Rawan: "Enta watheq ena ra ttzwjni? Tra tawni 3umre 14"
7mad: "Wenshallah 10, ana a7ibch w abech jad rawon sharech laish ma outhaq?"
Rawan: "Madre"
7mad: "Rawoon enty wathqa feni?"
Rawan: "7ail"
7mad: "3yl ra7 tshoufen b3d 5 snen mnu ra7 y6g bab baitkum"

I smiled..

Incoming Call, 3wash..

7mad: "Walaaaaaaaih hathy 7ta hnii??"
Rawan: "Shhh"

Rawan: "Alo?"
Aisha: "Yallah rawon bnrou7"
Rawan: "Laish"
Aisha: "Bas t2akhar elwaqt w omich dagat"
Rawan: "Yallah ok"

I hung up..

7mad: "Btrou7en?"
Rawan: "Eeh"
7mad: "Ra7 ashtaglich"
Rawan: "Ana akthar"
7mad: "Rawon b6lib 6lab gabl la trou7en"
Rawan: "Amr"
7mad: "Abi bousa" he smiled
Rawan: "7maad! Jdam elnas?"
7mad: "M7ad ga3d y6ali3 yallah 3shani"

L3nbou mn yrid shanah;p!!

I got closer to him and kissed his cheeks..

Rawan: "Chethi ya3ni?" I smiled
7mad: "Aaaakhh mara7 a'3asel hal khad abdan"
Rawan: "Mynoun" i laughed
7mad: "A7ibch jad!!!!!"
Rawan: "Amout feek wallah"
7mad: "Deerbalich 3la nafsich 7beebtii"
Rawan: "Enshallah you too"
7mad: "Mn 3younii, 7afthich allah"


All the way back home, the smile never left my face

It was like literally the best day of my ENTIRE LIFE.

i kept recalling every single detail happened and kept smiling like an idiot.

*7mad, If you're reading this? You're the best thing that ever happened to me, iloveyou.